【禁闻】报告﹕空气污染 出生缺陷 中国危机











而《广州日报》1月4号报导,中国是新生儿出生缺陷的高发国家之一。2006年的《中国儿童发展报告》显示,中国每年约有20万∼30万肉眼可见的先天畸形儿出生,加上出生后数月和数年才显现出来的缺陷,缺陷儿总数高达80万∼ 120万。


采访编辑/秦雪 后制/萧宇

China’s Birth Defects Linked to Air Pollution, Research Shows

On Mar 28, Bloomberg published an article titled,
“Air Pollution, Birth Defects and the Risk in China.”
The article cited a research by a Princeton Global Scholar
and his partners at Peking University Health Science Center and the University of Texas, Austin.
They recently published results of a 10-year investigation
on severe birth defects in Shanxi Province, China.
Investigating the alarming frequency of congenital neural
tube defects, the researchers found astonishing results.

The coal-rich Shanxi province is one of the most polluted
regions in China.
Over 10-years, the researchers gathered placentas from
80 stillborn or born with a disorder infants in Shanxi.
Based on their analyses, they confirmed that those infants
had been exposed in utero to significant levels of pesticides,
industrial solvents, and especially PAHs (polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons), released in the air when burning fossil fuels.
As a result, the placentas of infants with birth defects
was found to have higher concentrations of the chemicals than that of the other infants.

The environment which pregnant women were expose to
was found to have significant correlation with the health of their infants.

In the U.S., for every 10,000 live births,
there are 7.5 infants with neural tube defects.
In contrast, in Shanxi this number is 18 times higher,
with 140 per every 10,000 infants being with birth defects.

In October 2008, another study with similar significance
was published in the US-based academic journal “Environmental Health Perspectives”.
The authors found notable difference between two groups
of women in Chongqing City, who had babies before and after the closing of a power plant nearby.

The researchers enrolled two groups of nonsmoking
mothers and their newborns in 2002 and 2005.
All the women lived within 2 kilometers of the site of
Chongqing’s Tongliang power plant, closed in 2004.
Samples of umbilical cord blood were collected at the time
of delivery and analyzed to record the presence of PAHs, mercury, and lead.

The children were observed by the researchers until their
second birthday to assess their behavioral and intellectual development.
They found that the children born in 2002, when the power
plant was still operating, showed on average developmental delays, especially in motor skills.
Those born in 2005 did not exhibit the same setbacks.

Perera, one of the researchers said,
“It’s actually a good-news story.
The government shut down the power plant, and you could
see immediate improvements (in child and maternal health).”

Ruan Yunhua, a Hubei writer remarked,
the health of babies is not a short-term issue.
The current situation results from inadequate government
efforts and its malfeasance over a long period.

Ruan Yunhua, Hubei writer: ”To pursue GDP growth,
the (Chinese Communist Party / CCP) government has ignored people’s livelihood.
Therefore right now there are so many babies
born with defects, which greatly impacts our lives.
This is already a crime. The inaction of the government
is equivalent to holding the ordinary people’s lives cheap.
In my hometown there were also mothers killed
due to forced birth control so we see the same problem.
They (the CCP authorities) only think of accomplishing
their goals, while caring little about people’s life, safety, and quality of livelihood.”

The Report on Women and Children's Health Development
in China (2011), published by China’s Ministry of Health,
showed an increasing trend in the rate of birth defects,
according to statistics collected from hospitals nationwide.
The babies with defects totaled 877,000 in 1996.
This number increased by 70.9% to 1,499,000 in 2010.
In that year, the five most frequent birth defects were:
congenital heart disease (327,000), polydactyl (164,000),
cleft lip (128,000), congenital hydrocephalus (60,000),
and neural tube defects (57,000).
These account for 49.1% of all the birth defects.

A report of Guangzhou Daily newspaper on Jan 4 revealed,
China is a country with high rate of birth defects.
The 2006’s National Report of Child Development in China
shows that each year there are around 250,000 babies with congenital problems born in China.
Further counting the babies whose defects appear several
months or years after birth, the total number of babies with health issues can reach 1.2 million.

The Environmental Health Perspectives’ journal published
a study this March, about the effect of urban air pollution on birth outcomes.
The study found a correlation between the air pollution
and the health defects in babies.
The researchers examined 3 million birth records
in nine countries.
They found a correlation between low birth weight
and high levels of PM 10 and PM 2.5.
For instance, each 10 micrograms increase of PM10
per cubic meter was found to correlate with a 3 percent increase in the number of babies with low birth weight.
However, this study did not include China, where the levels
of air pollution are generally higher than those in the nine countries studied.