【禁闻】党中央“喉舌论 新三反” 各界热批

















采访/常春 编辑/王子琦 后制/李智远

CCP's New “Three-Anti” Invites Criticism

Recently British media quoted multiple sources
from Chinese media,
that CCP's propaganda officials at all levels are learning the
“spirit” from CCP's Central Committee Propaganda Conference.
The Conference set five principles for future propaganda,
including the so-called “mouthpiece principle” for media.
It prohibits media reports that criticize CCP, Marx, Lenin,
or Mao Zedong.
Those CCP personnel who do not comply with
these new principles will be removed from office.
The news quickly triggered public concern and criticism.

According to reports from Chinese Mainstream
Culture Network & Red Song Network,
CCP's recent meetings on propaganda
set tones and directions for future media reports.

A BBC report listed five propaganda keynotes set at the meeting:

1. All Chinese media, old and new,
should all be CCP mouthpieces.
Media are forbidden from voicing different opinions,
otherwise their license will be revoked.
2. Media are forbidden from publishing voices against Marx,
Lenin, or Mao Zedong.
3. Personnel who refuse to give up their anti-CCP, anti-state
and anti-nation stances will be removed from all media work.
4. CCP must strengthen its administration and guidance of the
media, restraining them from continuous negative reports.
5. People with the three “anti” tendencies should not work on
education in communication or journalism majors in universities.

The disclosure of this news triggered heated public discussions.

Zhang Ming, professor of political science at People's University,

questioned on weibo the possibility of eradicating all criticisms
against Mao Zedong, as prescribed by CCP Central Propaganda.
He said that it is not only inappropriate but even
anti-humanitarian to maintain Maoism in this day & age.

Some comments questioned the truth,
whether CCP really issued such absurd instructions.

Yang Jisheng, editor-in-chief of Yanhuang Chunqiu:
“We learned about this from the Internet.
We cannot confirm its authenticity.
It might be false news since it is truly absurd.
If it is true, it will be a step backwards.
How can China still move backwards at this time?”

Political critic Lin Zixu pointed out that the five principles
for propaganda leave the impression CCP do not have sufficient control over its propaganda.

Political critic Lin Zixu: “Ten years ago, no one would dare
to openly criticize Maoism, although CCP did not prohibit it either!
The subtext behind these propaganda principles is that
it has become a trend to abandon Maoism in China.
It has become very difficult for CCP to control propaganda.

The only thing it can do is to prevent its own mouthpieces
from joining the choir against Maoism.”

Guo Daohui, Law Professor and former Minister of
Propaganda at Tsinghua University,
said the so-called “anti-Maoism” is
itself an inaccurate expression.

Guo Daohui: “What is anti-Maoism? It is necessary
to review Mao Zedong's ideas and to criticize his mistakes, especially in his later years.
It is not correct to mix together Marx, Lenin and Mao Zedong.
Even Marx is different from the latter two people.
Anti-Marx-Lenin-Maoism is itself an in accurate concept.
Should reflection over Mao's mistakes be anti-Maoism?
We are still reviewing the instructions from
CCP Central Dept. for Propaganda.”

As to the prohibition against “anti-CCP and anti-people voices,”
and the regulations of the new “three-anti” personnel,
Lin Zixu pointed out
these expressions are self-contradictory.

Lin Zixu: “Now the interests of CCP contradicts that
of the state and people.
CCP leaders pose the gravest threat to the country and nation.

If the media report is from a point of view of the nation,
they will surely violate CCP's interests.
All in all, CCP is trying to prohibit anti-CCP voices.
That is the core of their new principles.”

Linzi Xu believes the recent speeches of CCP
Central Propaganda, are not so much instructions but more a hopeless wailing.

Lin Zixu: “Now Chinese people, especially media workers,
clearly understand what is going on in the outside world.
Several provisions from the Central Propaganda Department
can not stand in the way of people's common will.
Now CCP finds it difficult controlling its “watchdog”
mouthpieces, not to mention the hundreds of millions of people before them.”

Lin Zixu pointed out, CCP's media control now
reaches a critical state.
He believes the entire control line will soon be broken.