【禁闻】《南方》报业易主 还会敢言吗?



















采访编辑/常春 后制/李勇

Will the new Leader of Southern Newspaper change its Style?

"Southern" newspaper has a new leader Yang Jian. He is
the deputy director of Guangdong propaganda department.
And now, he will be the director of "Southern"
newspaper and chairman of the media group.
People in Mainland and the international media think that
the Southern newspaper was very outspoken in the past.
With a new leader, does that mean that
this tradition will come to an end?
Let's take a look at the experts'analysis.

On 7thApril, Guangdong Provincial People's Government
website announced the removal of Yang Xingfeng as director
and chairman of the Southern Newspaper Media Group.

Yang Xingfeng will be replaced by Yang Jian, the deputy
director of the Guangdong Propaganda Department.

The overseas media question whether this change
would end Southern's outspoken tradition.
The power lies no longer in the hands of the media people, but
instead with someone directly from the propaganda department.

Meng Bo, a former Southern Newspaper worker,
said on his blog that for years,
the director of Southern Newspaper was promoted
from within. Now, Yang Jian has broken that practice.

Political commentator Wang Beiji thinks that the
Southern newspaper evolved from the Southern Weekend,
and then to Southern Metropolitan.
They were a more open media group.
However, after a few changes of leadership,
it has become more and more conservative.

Wang once had a close relationship with Southern reporters,
saying that after the reform and opening up,
the leaders of Southern went abroad and discovered that
the newspapers of western society were very colorful.
On the contrary, mainland newspapers have
a few simple non-news like reports,
in addition to official remarks, and party rhetoric.

Wang Beiji:"The Southern Newspaper Group, is actually
a place within the Chinese Communist Party(CCP).
It is press with a sense of justice coming from the CCP.
Yet, the CCP has continued to suppress it,
from its central propaganda department to
the Guangdong propaganda department.
The CCP has used various means to control
the Southern Media Group.
Whenever it has excellent media people,
the CCP will force them to quit."

Japan's Asahi Shimbun reported that
Yang Jian is concurrently chairman of the board,
and that means the Southern Media Group will be
in accordance with the views of the authorities and
independent views will be further restricted.
The report also quoted the words of reporters and
other workers that they are afraid of the Southern
tradition disappearing forever.

However, political commentator Lin Zixu does not think
the Southern Newspaper's style will be easily changed.
Over the years, it has been deeply rooted in
the hearts of every worker there.

Lin Zixu said that the entire media environment
is rapidly changing.
If the new leader comes and exerts more pressure
against the freedom of reporters and editors,
it may strengthen their determination
to freely report the news.

Lin Zixu:"At the moment, it is a fierce battle between the
CCP's suppression and people's desire for freedom of speech.
More people can see hope and more people will fight harder.

The CCP's suppression may turn into a catalyst
to further enhance public morale."

Lin Zixu also said many media reporters and editors
are now in line with the Southern Newspaper,
and some are even more outspoken than the Southern Group.
That is beyond the CCP's suppression.

Lin Zixu believes that the CCP's firewall for
public opinion will soon collapse.
Thus, the CCP will not gain much by changing
the chairman of the Southern Media Group.

Netizens also question whether the removal of
Yang Xingfeng is a retaliating move resulting from
the Southern incident at the beginning of 2013.

Zhang Lifan, a Beijing modern historian, wrote on his blog:

'Southern Newspaper, Northern Yanhuang,
Blessing comes by itself, But, disaster comes in pair.'

Economist Han Zhiguo adds to Zhang's text:
'Southern constitution, Northern constitution,
Disasters come within oneself,
But, everything will soon pass!'

Lawyer Guo Hui: 'Southern Newspaper and
Northern Yanhuang are co-responding to each other.'
Writer Mu Ronxue:
'New administration surely chills my heart.'
Bi Chengjun, chairman of a Yantai City company:
'Regarding a malignant tumor,
everything is ridiculous, except surgery.'