




他写道:“有人说政府精力不够,精力不够为甚么不多协调民间NGO呢。”而“国人都疲劳了......房子却倒了又倒,日本七级大地震没死人,灾后救援秩序井然。从汶川到玉树到彝良到雅安,正是中国 GDP增长的几年,每一年、每一次地震都在检验GDP的真实含量。”


林昭祭日禁纪念 维权人士被警告









Best-Selling Author Unveils Real Situation in Quake-hit Areas

The first piece is about the earthquake in Sichuan.

Li Chengpeng was a best-selling author and former reporter
of Sichuan Sports Daily.
Recently he disclosed the real situation of the Ya’an disaster
areas in his article, “Frontline Report”.
It recounts that one day, when Li and other volunteers
reached a damaged village, they ran into an old woman.
The granny dashed into the yard,
cursing Li Chengpeng in local dialect.
She scolded to the effect that, “You official staff have
always taken pictures to please the authorities.
But you’ve never brought us any water and rice… ”

A young man explained the authorities did not send them,
but were volunteers who donated foods to victims.
The old lady then understood and murmured that for the
past two days, she had no rice to eat, nor had clean water.

In his article, Li Chengpeng tells stories that he heard during
his rescue trip to the quake-hit regions.
The article has naturally conveyed his thoughts.

He wrote that, “Someone alleged that the government
hasn’t enough energy for the rescue work.
Then why hasn’t it sought help from NGOs?”

He continued, “The Chinese people have all been weary.
The buildings collapsed, again and again.
Japan’s 7-magnitude earthquake didn’t claim any lives,
and was followed by orderly rescue works.
From the Wenchuan earthquake, the Yushu quake, to
the Yiliang earthquake, up until the Ya’an quake,
this time span has seen China’s GDP growth.
Each year, every earthquake, has tested the
true value of the GDP. ”

At the end of his article, Li Chengpeng requested
the authorities to “rebuild more solid school buildings.”
“Next time, besides sending rescue teams to the national
highways and counties, please remember those disabled elderly who are living nearby on the mountain.”

Chinese Communist Party Bans Mourning of Lin Zhao

45 years ago, “democratic pioneer”, Lin Zhao, talented female
student of Peking University was executed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) .
April 29th marks the anniversary of her death. Some people
called on the public to mourn at her tomb.
The CCP has warned rights activists not to mourn Lin Zhao,
using any form of activity.

Yan Zhengxue, a Beijing artist, has been known
for his sculpture of Lin Zhao.
Recently, he was put under house arrest in Badaling
for having mourned Lin Zhao at his home.
Yan Zhengxue was informed that he would only be
released after April 29th.

In the past years, Shaoyang-based rights activist,
Zhu Chengzhi, would mourn Lin Zhao on April 29th.
He would visit her tomb located in Suzhou city.

On April 24, Zhu Chengzhi tweeted that local authorities had
warned him not to go to Suzhou to mourn Lin Zhao.

Maoist Leftists Make Trouble At Economist’s Speech

On April 25th China’s leading economist, Mao Yushi,
gave a lecture in Liaoning province.
Some Maoist leftists arrived and made trouble.

One of them was reportedly Wang Xinnian, deputy chief of
Liaoning Provincial Association of the CCP History.
Wang was then taken away by the police
to the local police station.

Afterwards, the Maoist leftists verbally attacked
Mao Yushi on the internet.
They called Shenyang’s police chief a traitor.

The Maoist leftists’ act has aroused great public
resentment and concerns.
A Xi’an netizen posted his comment. He said that Sima Nan,
Zhang Hongliang and Kong Qidong are “the remnant forces of
the Cultural Revolution”.
They intended to politicize the issue,
and defame others, which is wicked.