【禁闻】黑龙江代省长陆昊 不做改革旁观者









时事评论员司马泰:“你不管他改甚么,他觉得改革的这个旗号他必须打的,他不管是在舆论上,或者是在人事安排上,都要给人这种感觉 ,为甚么呢﹖因为大家都知道共产党已经大家都不信他了,共产党它要想存活下来,一定要把自己扛上改革的大旗,来愚弄糊弄老百姓,糊弄这个世界,给人们制造这种幻想。”





采访编辑/常春 后制/薛莉

Heilongjiang Acting Governor: “Don't Be a Reform Bystander”

Lu Hao—the “dark horse” in the mainland political arena—
took the position of acting governor of Heilongjiang Province
this March, after working at the Communist Youth League
(CYL) Central Committee.
Lu Hao is the youngest head of a provincial government
in mainland China.
Media have quoted Lu Hao as saying in Zhongnanhai in 1985:
“Do not be a reform bystander”—he was then 18 years old.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) uses
such reform-minded people for their own means.
Is this a signal of reform from the CCP?
—Let's take a look.

On March 25, Heilongjiang's government announced
that Lu Hao had been appointed as the vice governor and acting governor of its province.

Lu was born in 1967 in Xi'an, and joined the CCP
when he was a high school student.
In 1985, Lu Hao was recommend for admission
to the Department of Economics and Management
at Beijing University, and after two years, he became the Students' Union (SU) President through direct elections.
Mainland China's official media reports that, Lu Hao was
the only high school student among Xian's CCP members.
He was also the first SU President at Beijing University
who had taken the position through direct elections, since the Cultural Revolution.

In January 2003, Lu Hao became the Vice Mayor of Beijing
at 35 years old: the youngest in history.
In May 2008, Lu Hao took over as the first secretary
of the CYL Central Committee at age 41, becoming
the youngest ministerial-level official at that time,
and now he is the youngest Governor in mainland China.

[Sima Tai, Commentator]: “No matter what kind of person
the CCP appointed, Lu Hao was born in 1967 and
he is 45 years old; not young
—there's not much breakthrough.”
“In fact, the CCP wants to maintain the
second generation of successors, and
this is why they cultured, promoted
and prepared for such an echelon.”

Reports say that Lu Hao had attended a seminar held by
the Advisory Committee of the CCP Central Committee
in the Huairen Hall in Beijing's Zhongnanhai
in November 1985, as a student representative.
Lu Hao had said in the seminar:
“Reform is a type of initiative; it is very difficult.”
“There will be many problems during the reform;

however, we shouldn't stop and we—university students—
are not reform bystanders.”

Many prominent social contradictions have appeared
in China over recent years—in this environment,
can Lu Hao put his ideas into practice in his political career?

Can the reformist figures appointed by the CCP's new leader,
Xi Jinping, ease domestic conflict?

Commentator Sima Tai says, officials are eager to talk about
so-called reform, but it seems to be done to save the CCP.

[Sima Tai]: “No matter what's going to be changed,
the CCP has to play the banner of reform,
whether it's with public opinions
or with personnel arrangements.
It has to give people the feeling of reform—Why?
As we all know, the CCP understands that nobody believes it.
But it wants to survive, so it has to play 'reform' itself; that is,
create an illusion of reform to fool the public and the world.”

March 13th, evening, Xi Jinping listed the “three measures”
in the enlarged meeting of the Political Bureau,
including the publicity of government consumption;
the declaration and publicity of property income;
the employment problem; and the rule of law, etc.

Hong Kong's Contention Magazine says, Xi Jinping
wants people to see the effectiveness of the 'reform'.

It's known that Lu Hao was a schoolmate of the current
Prime Minister Li Keqiang and Vice-President Li Lu Hao
in junior school, and that all three had been taught by
the economist Li Yining.

Commentator Lin Zixu says, this group of students
from Beijing University and Tsinghua University have
a more open view compared to the previous CCP leaders.

Lin says, they may be well-behaved on the surface
because of the CCP's despotic power, but they're likely to
become the vanguard of anti-communism
when there's sign of real trouble with the CCP.

[Lin Zixu, Commentator]: “I believe that the CCP is also
well aware of this situation but it has no solutions;
the older officials can't be used and the lackeys are tractable
but are wastes—so the CCP can only take things step by step.”

Lin Zixu adds that, currently, the CCP needs those evil people
on one hand, to enrich their own energy; on the other hand,
it needs some thoughtful people to control the situation,
yet these two types of people can hardly come together.
Therefore, the power struggle between the CYL faction
and Jiang's faction, or similar ones will always exist, Lin says
And these power struggles will bring such enormous
internal friction, that it will accelerate the CCP's downfall.
