【禁闻】中共活摘器官 美发明家拒投资

【新唐人2013年05月24日讯】 中共活摘器官 美发明家拒投资


据《大纪元》新闻网5月23号报导,美国矽谷发明家杰佛瑞‧范‧密朵博克(Jeffrey Van Middlebrook)拥有一项可以解决燃煤污染的技术,中共当局向他提供6千万美元研发经费,想与他合作,将他的发明应用到工业领域。2012年9月,合作谈判成功,密朵博克准备前往中国。





密朵博克还希望,各国政府和大公司,“而不只是像他这样的小个体”来郑重关注中国的人权问题。 “大公司必须衡量,在做不做生意和与极不道德的东西同流合污之间的利害关系。”

广州市民申请纪念六四游行 获受理




深圳千人罢工堵路 警催泪弹镇压






US Inventor Rejects Chinese Communist Party Investment

A U.S. inventor who originally intended to cooperate
with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP),
suddenly learned of the CCP's live organ harvesting atrocities
then rejected their sixty million U.S. dollars investment and abandoned the cooperation.

According to reports from the Epoch Times on May 23,
U.S. Silicon Valley inventor Jeffrey Van Middlebrook owns a technology to solve coal-polluting.
The CCP provided him with 60 million US dollars for research,
and wanted to cooperate with him to apply his invention to the industrial field.
In September 2012, the cooperative negotiation was
successful, and Mr. Middlebrook was ready to go to China.

However, when preparing for his trip, Mr. Middlebrook
read in the Epoch Times newspaper about
live organ harvesting from tens of thousands of prisoners
of conscience, mainly Falun Gong practitioners. He hesitated.

the Epoch Times reported that Mr. Middlebrook said
his conscience began to struggle intensely.
On one hand, the CCP's 60 million US dollars was hanging
over his head.
It was very tempting and 60 million US dollars funding
is not easy to obtain;
On the other hand, he read about these heinous evil crimes
occurring in mainland China.

Mr. Middlebrook finally decided, no matter how much
investment the CCP offered, he can not accept the CCP's money.
He said: "I cannot accept the money when I know the
government is taking lives this way."

Mr. Middlebrook said he now can stand and
face himself in the mirror:
"I did not take a penny with blood on it from a government
which is massacring its own people.”

Mr. Middlebrook also hoped that governments and large
corporations, "not just small individuals like him" seriously
pay attention to China's human rights issues.
"Big companies must weigh between businesses and
cooperation with very immoral things.”

Guangzhou Citizens Applied For June 4 Parade

On May 22, three citizens applied for a parade on June 4th
to commemorate ‘June 4 – Student Movement in 1989’.
The police accepted the request and they would reply on June 2.

However, the three citizens, Xu Xiangrong, Li Weiguo and
Li Wensheng were summoned by the domestic security bureau
in Guangzhou and received telephone warnings.

Xu Xiangrong said that based on past experience, he did not
bear any hope this year for the approval of the application.
But the delivery of the application itself suggested
an attitude, or a belief.

Workers Protest By Striking, Police Break Up The Demonstration

On May 23, thousands of workers in Shenzhen went to
demonstrate on the streets and hundreds of riot police arrived to drive them away.
The two sides clashed, and many were injured.
10 workers were arrested.

At 8:00 am on May 23, in Ruide Electronics Co., Ltd. in Xili,
Nanshan District, all workers launched a strike to protest that
the company did not give employees a reasonable
relocation compensation.
Nearly a thousand workers left the factory and
blocked the road, causing traffic gridlock.

The Chinese officials felt they were facing a great enemy,
and sent hundreds of heavily armed riot police, and
ten or so police dogs to the scene for a crackdown.
Police released tear gas and violently beat the workers.
Finally they forced all workers back to the factory.

Currently, local governments have been involved and,
the three parties were still in consultations.