【禁闻】中共无宪政 再夺人肉搜索监督权﹖


《红旗文稿》杂志在《西方国家允许“人肉搜索”吗? 》文章中说,“人肉搜索”是一个独特的中国现象,且这种行为是“多数人的暴政”。文章认为,“人肉搜索”极易侵犯个人的隐私权,甚至还容易引起网络暴力的蔓延。












采访编辑/秦雪 后制/周天

The Chinese Communist Party Denies Constitutionalism,
While trying To Block “Human Flesh Search Engine”

On May 21st the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) internal
magazine “Hong Qi Wen Gao” published an article which
stated that “Constitutionalism is a characteristic of
Capitalism, not Socialism”.
This opinion triggered a public outcry in China,
and has become a sitting duck for critics.
Someone noticed that another article in the same volume
reacted against the “human flesh search engine”, stating
that “Human flesh search engine is a type of tyranny by
the majority and is an invasion of privacy”.
However, some argued that as Chinese civilians are not
protected by Constitutionalism, “human flesh search engine”
turns out to be their only weapon to supervise the CCP
so it should not be taken away.

The CCP’s internal magazine, Hong Qi Wen Gao, published

an article titled “Is Human Flesh Internet search engine
allowed in western countries?”
The article said “Human flesh search engine”
is a unique phenomenon only seen in China,
and it is “a type of tyranny by the majority”.
It also drew the conclusion that “Human flesh search engine”
can easily lead to invasion of privacy or even spreading of Internet violence.

Yang Hengjun, a Chinese Internet writer and scholar, said

in western countries the framework of Constitutionalism
provides civilians a path to seek legal redress.
As there is no Constitutionalism in China, Chinese civilians
can only address their injustices on the Internet.

Yang Hengjun, Chinese Internet writer and scholar: ”It is true
that “Human flesh search engine” is only seen in China.
However, this is because there is no supervision over
political power in China.
Our civilians don’t have any standard way to seek justice,
which is available in western countries.
There you have judicial system, freedom of speech
and freedom of demonstration/protest.
In China we don’t have these rights so the only choice
is to expose bad officials online.”

Hong Qi Wen Gao’s article also mentioned in the US
where the Internet is extremely developed,
there have been very few cases involving
“Human flesh search engine”.
In the United States, protection of privacy and personal data
is regarded as a very important issue.
Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) and
other laws have been established to inflict punishment against invasion of privacy in cyberspace.

However, Yang Hengjun pointed out that, the possession and
behavior of western public figures such as officials and
presidents of listed companies are subject to
public supervision as required by law.
They cannot use “protection of privacy” as an excuse
to hide this information.

Yang Hengjun: ”Chinese civilians do “Human Flesh Search”
on officials because their tobaccos and watches cannot be
afforded by them at their announced salary level.
Our people feel that they should know where
the real income of officials is from.
In fact “Human flesh search engine” later confirmed that
those officials were corrupt. This is not about privacy.
The officials have to declare their properties.

This is a rule that has been put into practice long before
in Constitutional and democratic states.”

Yang Hengjun added that, the two articles by Hong Qi Wen
Gao altogether exposed the dilemma that the CCP is facing.

Yang Hengjun: ”On one hand, they (the CCP) deny
Constitutionalism and stick to their own regime.
On the other hand, they are not able to solve
the resu problem.
That is, without a framework of Constitutionalism
they can never prevent officials from corruption.
In such situation, the civilians have to act like
‘unruly people’ or ‘mobs’. Why?
As you don’t want to reform the regime and solve the corruption
problem, then I can only respond with ‘Human Flesh Search’.”

Yang Hengjun explained that, “Human flesh search engine”
is not popular in western countries, because there is Constitutionalism to rely on.
Therefore civil rights are protected and powers of
governmental officials are restricted.
The CCP denies Constitutionalism, but still tries to deprive
Chinese people of their only rights of Internet supervision.

Yang further remarked that, there was a “muckraker
movement” in the United States the before Internet appeared.
In the movement the journalists were actually doing the
same as “Human flesh search engine”, but more professionally.
The Lewinsky scandal involving former US president Bill
Clinton and Watergate scandal involving Richard Nixon can
both be regarded as results of using “Human flesh search engine”.

Yang Hengjun wrote a microblog article to refute
what Hong Qi Wen Gao said.
He wrote that, for some officials and their hired scribblers,
whenever they found anything in western society in favor of their regime,
they would advocate “full westernization as soon as possible”
or even make intimidating comments;
For any western system that challenges their unlimited power,
they would deny them with the excuse of “keeping Chinese characteristics”;
This was not the first time they did so,
and would definitely not be the last time.

Yang Hengjun said that, in the past five years Chinese netizens
dug out many corrupt officials by “Human Flesh search engine”.
Even procuratorates and anti-corruption bureaus
have to acknowledge its effectiveness.
So shouldn’t the CCP officials ponder over the phenomenon and
find out the differences between Chinese and western regimes that lead to the problem?