


叶海燕的朋友表示,叶海燕去海南关注校长开房性侵幼女事件,半夜才才到家。隔天中午12点多就有9女2男,去她家吵架,还动手打她。警方后来只把叶海燕抓走, 11个去闹事的人却都放了。叶海燕的朋友估计﹕是有预谋的。






北京律师王宇: “这个事情是在他们家发生的,就是有人到他们家寻衅滋事。叶海燕只能说是正当防卫。因为据警察那边说,她当时用刀,带走她的原因可能有一个人手臂流了些血。”




广东律师 庞琨:“我们百思不得其解,为甚么会有这样,是这个校长有这么大的背景,或者说这个事件有没有一些其他的指示。我们认为,律师代理这个案件,能够让事情真相显露出来,而不是把这个事情掩埋、掩盖下去。如果一直掩盖下去,可能这种事情还会重复的发生,对孩子的安全没有保障。”



采访/田净 编辑/宋风 后制/肖颜

Women's Rights Activist Arrested While Protesting Against Schoolgirl Sexual Harassment

On May 30th, the public security bureau of Bobai County,
Guangxi Province announced on weibo that Ye Haiyan, a
female women's rights activist, was subject to detention.

Several days ago, Ye went to Wanning city in Hainan to
protest against school girl sexual harassment by a principal.
She held a slogan saying “To the principal: Let off pupil
girls and go to hotel with me”. The photo was posted online.
However, Ye Haiyan was arrested as soon as she got home.

This news has drawn wide media attention
both inside and outside China.

Right after Ye Haiyan reached her rented home in Bobai
County, Guangxi Province, she posted a message on weibo.
The house owner said she was told by several people from
the community committee and Women's Federation to drive
Ye Haiyan out of the house.
Ye also sent several weibo messages afterwards, reporting

that 11 people broke into her house and beat her when
only she and her daughter were at home.

According to Ye Haiyan's friends Ye returned home after
midnight after protesting in Hainan.
The next day, nine women and two men went to her home,
quarreling and even beat her.
However, when the police came they only took away
Ye Haiyan, while releasing all the intruders.
Ye's friends suspected that the whole
affair is a put-up job.

A friend of women's rights activist Ye Haiyan:
”She has given me a video clip.
From the video, I saw that Ye held a kitchen knife
in front of the door,
the intruders all stayed outside swearing and
trying to pick fights with her.
Ye Haiyan said, “Why can't I defend myself with knife as
so many of you come to beat me?”
She also said, 'You are violating my privacy. I am staying at
my home. What are you coming here?' She was repeating this.”

Ye Haiyan's friends saw Ye with handcuffs
in the local police station.
The police refused to talk with them and refused
to give food to Ye Haiyan.

Chengguan police station, Bobai County, Guangxi:
”I know that she (Ye Haiyan) is detained here.”

Ye Haiyan's sister: ”I tried to visit her with my child,
but was denied.
The police simply arrested her without providing
any reason or making any announcement.”

Currently, a Beijing lawyer Wang Yu has reached
Guangxi to help Ye Haiyan.
He planned to visit the local police station
for more details of the situation.
Wang said, when being harassed at home by those intruders,
Ye had kept calling the police.
However, no police were dispatched to her house.

Wang Yu, Beijing lawyer:
”The whole incident took place at her home.
It is clear that the intruders tried to make trouble with her.
In such case Ye's defense is completely justifiable.
According to the police, Ye used a knife and they probably
took her away because someone had blood on their arm.”

Many netizens showed their support for Ye Haiyan.

A netizen “Xiao Xialin” wrote that,
“Ye is not the Women's Federation chairman, Chen Zhili,
but she bravely stands up to protect Chinese girls;
she is more qualified to be the chairman.
Ye is not the Minister of Education Yuan Guiren,
but she made a visit to Hainan,
standing up to protest against the immoral
principal and the unscrupulous regime.”

Another netizen “director Gao Xiaojian” wrote, “Because
Ye Haiyan showed a slogan saying “Go to hotel with me”,
for standing out to speak against schoolgirl sexual harassment,
the gangsters of Women's Federation went to beat her!
The federation didn't do anything to protect females and
children; instead they did exactly the opposite.
What kind of state I am living in?”

Pang Kun, Guangdong lawyer: ”We are completely puzzled
by how it can turn out to be like this.
Does the principal have such a hidden background,
or there were some instructions from the party leaders?
We believe that, the involvement of lawyers will help reveal
what really happens, rather than continue to hide the truth.
If they continue to hide it, then probably the scenario will
repeat and there will no protection of our children's safety.”

Tianli, Guangdong human right activist: ”Speaking of Ye Haiyan's
experience, I think the authority has no excuse to act like that.
Now the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
is acting completely recklessly.
They do whatever they want to do,
without any base line of humanity to stick to.”

Tianli further commented that, the CCP authority's “stability
maintenance” policy has been a complete failure;
The state is becoming more and more horrible, and the Chinese
civilians' situation is getting more and more dangerous;
Next the party will have no choice but to making
more arrests and murdering;
Now there is nothing that can save the party from dying.