【禁闻】陈希同“六四”前病逝 巧合或天意







姚监复:“把陈希同推到第一线,《李鹏日记》说,他是北京戒严指挥部正指挥,我觉得这是个烟雾弹,是掩饰20万正规军队,从五个军区调到北京的这么一个大的军事行动,实际上相当于一次小规模战争动员的兵力,这么一场军事行动的正指挥,怎么可能是陈希同这么一个北京大学中国文学系毕业的文官呢? ”







采访/易如 编辑/张天宇 后制/肖颜

Chen Xitong Coincidentally Passed Away Before “June 4”

Mayor of Beijing during the 1989 'June 4th Massacre,'
Chen Xitong died on June 2 in Beijing.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) official media
confirmed this news three days after his death.
Hong Kong's China News Agency and The Associated Press
reported the death of Chen Xitong on June 4th.
Chinese observers say the CCP delayed the reporting
for fear Chinese people would, from his death,
recall the black hands behind the bloody repression.

On June 5, CCP mouthpiece Xinhua News Agency
released a brief message with only five words in the title:
“Chen Xitong Died of Illness.”

The text is only 57 characters long, mentioning neither
Chen Xitong's resume, nor his past positions.

Outside speculation is that the CCP doesn't want people
to recall “June 4th” on the eve of the incident's 24th anniversary.
So Chen's close connection to the incident was likely the cause
for his death being given the cold treatment.

Former CCP General Secretary Zhao Ziyang's think tank
Yao Jianfu: “I think the CCP reported the news ‘of Chen's
death’ on June 5 because June 4th is a sensitive da.
They are very nervous on June 4th.
Foreign reporters went to the Wan An Cemetery and
found out it was tightly guarded.
The government does not want any mass memorial ceremony
on June 4th, since it might lead to rallies and more issues.”

Chen Xitong died two days before “June 4th,”
and many people think it is quite ironic.
Pro-democracy activists and families of
“June 4th” victims argue that this is heaven's will.
Chen Xitong is known as the “June 4th Butcher,”

who was claimed to be the general commander of the repression
of the student movement in 1989, and the martial law.

In Yao Jianfu's book “Conversations with Chen Xitong”
Chen denied years of accusations that
he played a key role in organizing the military assault
on the protesters.
Yao believes that while Chen's denial was
to shirk responsibility, he was right.

Yao Jianfu: “Chen Xitong had been pushed to the front line.

Li Peng's Diary says that Chen Xitong was the
commander of the martial law in Beijing.
I think this is a smokescreen to cover up the military
operation of moving a regular army of 200,000 from five military regions to Beijing.
Such a large military operation is in fact equivalent
to a small-scale troop mobilization for war.
How could it have been led by Chen, who graduated from
the Chinese literature Department at Beijing University?”

Yao Jianfu also noted that Li Peng's Diary says CCP veterans
Li Xiannian, Chen Yun and Deng Xiaoping, etc. discussed how
to overthrow Zhao Ziyang in Shanghai several years before 1989,
indicating the "June 4th" repression was actually an armed coup.

Yao Jianfu: “I think it's a tactic for trying to cover up that

the June 4th Massacre was a planned, organized,
and guided armed coup against reform.
They try to push the former Beijing mayor in front
to make people think that he is to blame for the massacre.
They sent military on the scene to crackdown on the protest.

And when the 200,000 troops were moved to Beijing,

the incident seemed like some areas of Beijing had riots,
and military used it as an excuse to act.
This was done to created the illusion that Chen was in the front.”

Beijing pro-democracy activist Zha Jianguo told
Radio Free Asia that Chen is for sure responsible for the “June 4th Massacre.”
As for the extent, people don't have the details.

People generally think that it was decided by Deng Xiaoping.
As Beijing's Chief Executive, Chen can' shed responsibility.

Regarding Chen Xitong's sentencing to 16 years of
imprisonment for corruption and dereliction in July 1998,
observers believe it was due to his losing an
internal struggle with former CCP leader Jiang Zemin.

Chinese writer Tie Liu: “Everyone in Beijing knows Chen is
a political victim, and this is the tragedy‘of the CCP’ system.
If the one-party dictatorship system does not change,
high-level officials can't even hold their positions."

Yao Jianfu said that all killers who've committed “crimes
against humanity”will be brought to fair and open trials.
Only then will the victims' soul rest in peace.