【新唐人2013年06月10日讯】枪杆子和笔杆子,历来是中共窃取政权和维护独裁统治的两大法宝,然而最近枪杆子开始抢占笔杆子阵地,继中共军方“鹰派” 发出保卫“网络上甘岭”的言论后,日前,“国防大学”中将李殿仁又放出﹕微博威胁国家安全的厥词。专家认为,现在中共犹如困在笼子里的斗兽,这是它阵亡前失去理智的癫狂。
美国“纽约城市大学”政治学 夏明:“中国处于乱世前夕,(各种)极端的思想都出笼了,使得中间这种温和的讨论变得不可能了,这是一个非常危险的东西,我把它叫成中共的意识形态的羊癫疯。”
采访编辑/ 刘惠 后制/李智远
Military Geared Up for Invisible War on Internet in China
Using military action and propaganda are prime weapons
the Chinese Communist Party(CCP) has used in illegally
taking power in China and in keeping its political rule today.
Recently, the CCP's military "hawks" have
actively entered the turf of propaganda.
Lieutenant General Li Dianren from the
PLA National Defense University, has alleged that
the existence of the micro-blog
threatens national security.
Experts interpret that today, the CCP is like a
caged animal, which acts madly before its death.
On June 7, Li Dianren, professor at the PLA National
Defense University, recently denounced microblogging.
Li told the Chinese Social Sciences Today,
an officially sponsored academic newspaper,
that Weibo (microblog), as a new media, has
become a distribution center of anti CCP criticism.
It is also a major battleground for potential
“color revolutions”, he said.
Li warned the authorities they must guard against
the three ideological trends of constitutionalism,
neoliberalism and historical nihilism in today's China.
(Pro. in Political Science, City University of New York)
Ming Xia: “China is on the eve of troubled times,
and various extremist ideas have surfaced.
This makes it impossible to take a moderate approach
to public debate, this situation is dangerous.
I call it the epilepsy of CCP ideology.”
Ming Xia reminds us that historically in Germany and Japan,
ideological extremity appeared before the
emergence of fascism.
Currently in China, the CCP's left-wing ideology
is very active,
whilst at the same time, constitutionalism has been
embraced by civil society.
Xia says that the CCP authorities face
irreconcilable conflict between the two.
(Founder, Global Information Free Movement) Xinyu Zhang:
“The truth is that a bunch of thieves have felt crises
of their political rule, so they are breaking cover now.
Previously, they did it under the disguise of word play,
now, they simply break cover and advocate it openly.
These tactics confuse many of those
who haven't known the truth.”
In 2012, a group of core figures of the PLA “hawks“
posted messages on Weibo, saying that the PLA will
safeguard “their lands” on the internet.
Two CCP princelings, Liu Yuan and Liu Yazhou,
both senior army officials,
have put forth a theory of “the CCP's godhood”,
which has met with heavy criticism.
Ming Xia says that the PLA is now very stressed.
He warns that “military intervention in politics”
has sent an extremely dangerous signal.
This is because military intervention is often realized
by bloody repressions, and will cause moral disasters.
Li Dianren has argued that the advocacy of political
constitutionalism aims to remove the CCP leadership.
And that embracing the neo-liberal privatization
is bound to strangle efficiency and
to contain the vigor of the state-operated
economic system and of state-owned enterprises.
He says that historical nihilism is a negation of
the CCP's status and role with historical details.
Also, Li alleged that the relevant popular remarks on Weibo
will breed disasters, and will “ threaten national security”.
Xinyu Zhang: “So ‘China’s security' was used to replace
his true meaning of the ‘CCP’s security'.
The CCP has felt threatened with the advent of Weibo,
so currently they have broken cover.
Their subtext is: We are fighting for our robbed wealth.”
Li Dianren also mentioned the Jasmine Revolution
that occurred in early 2011,
and the subsequent revolutions in North Africa
and the Middle East.
He said that these were typical aftermath of
the new, Western "means of warfare".
This indicates that hostile Western forces may expand
the application of such tactics in the future, Li argued.
Li Dianren claimed that a new battle for "national security"
has been in full swing on Weibo, and other new media.
The CCP has to win this invisible war by
controlling new media, said Li.
Xinyu Zhang: “If they really engage in this battle,
they are bound to fail, as the truth isn't on their side.
For example, the book ‘Nine Commentaries on the
Communist Party’ was published several years ago.
But until today, none of the 70 million CCP members
dares to openly speak against it.
They actually know that their power is unjustifiable,
and so does the CCP.”
Ming Xia points out that there are clear signs showing
the CCP's demise, especially in its ideological chaos.
Nowadays, none of the CCP top leadership has true faith in
communism, this has been discerned by ordinary citizens.
The biggest sign of the CCP's end, he says, is that
the Party elites have essentially lost their creativity.
In contrast, those who oppose it have kept on
demonstrating their originality.
美国“纽约城市大学”政治学 夏明:“中国处于乱世前夕,(各种)极端的思想都出笼了,使得中间这种温和的讨论变得不可能了,这是一个非常危险的东西,我把它叫成中共的意识形态的羊癫疯。”
采访编辑/ 刘惠 后制/李智远
Military Geared Up for Invisible War on Internet in China
Using military action and propaganda are prime weapons
the Chinese Communist Party(CCP) has used in illegally
taking power in China and in keeping its political rule today.
Recently, the CCP's military "hawks" have
actively entered the turf of propaganda.
Lieutenant General Li Dianren from the
PLA National Defense University, has alleged that
the existence of the micro-blog
threatens national security.
Experts interpret that today, the CCP is like a
caged animal, which acts madly before its death.
On June 7, Li Dianren, professor at the PLA National
Defense University, recently denounced microblogging.
Li told the Chinese Social Sciences Today,
an officially sponsored academic newspaper,
that Weibo (microblog), as a new media, has
become a distribution center of anti CCP criticism.
It is also a major battleground for potential
“color revolutions”, he said.
Li warned the authorities they must guard against
the three ideological trends of constitutionalism,
neoliberalism and historical nihilism in today's China.
(Pro. in Political Science, City University of New York)
Ming Xia: “China is on the eve of troubled times,
and various extremist ideas have surfaced.
This makes it impossible to take a moderate approach
to public debate, this situation is dangerous.
I call it the epilepsy of CCP ideology.”
Ming Xia reminds us that historically in Germany and Japan,
ideological extremity appeared before the
emergence of fascism.
Currently in China, the CCP's left-wing ideology
is very active,
whilst at the same time, constitutionalism has been
embraced by civil society.
Xia says that the CCP authorities face
irreconcilable conflict between the two.
(Founder, Global Information Free Movement) Xinyu Zhang:
“The truth is that a bunch of thieves have felt crises
of their political rule, so they are breaking cover now.
Previously, they did it under the disguise of word play,
now, they simply break cover and advocate it openly.
These tactics confuse many of those
who haven't known the truth.”
In 2012, a group of core figures of the PLA “hawks“
posted messages on Weibo, saying that the PLA will
safeguard “their lands” on the internet.
Two CCP princelings, Liu Yuan and Liu Yazhou,
both senior army officials,
have put forth a theory of “the CCP's godhood”,
which has met with heavy criticism.
Ming Xia says that the PLA is now very stressed.
He warns that “military intervention in politics”
has sent an extremely dangerous signal.
This is because military intervention is often realized
by bloody repressions, and will cause moral disasters.
Li Dianren has argued that the advocacy of political
constitutionalism aims to remove the CCP leadership.
And that embracing the neo-liberal privatization
is bound to strangle efficiency and
to contain the vigor of the state-operated
economic system and of state-owned enterprises.
He says that historical nihilism is a negation of
the CCP's status and role with historical details.
Also, Li alleged that the relevant popular remarks on Weibo
will breed disasters, and will “ threaten national security”.
Xinyu Zhang: “So ‘China’s security' was used to replace
his true meaning of the ‘CCP’s security'.
The CCP has felt threatened with the advent of Weibo,
so currently they have broken cover.
Their subtext is: We are fighting for our robbed wealth.”
Li Dianren also mentioned the Jasmine Revolution
that occurred in early 2011,
and the subsequent revolutions in North Africa
and the Middle East.
He said that these were typical aftermath of
the new, Western "means of warfare".
This indicates that hostile Western forces may expand
the application of such tactics in the future, Li argued.
Li Dianren claimed that a new battle for "national security"
has been in full swing on Weibo, and other new media.
The CCP has to win this invisible war by
controlling new media, said Li.
Xinyu Zhang: “If they really engage in this battle,
they are bound to fail, as the truth isn't on their side.
For example, the book ‘Nine Commentaries on the
Communist Party’ was published several years ago.
But until today, none of the 70 million CCP members
dares to openly speak against it.
They actually know that their power is unjustifiable,
and so does the CCP.”
Ming Xia points out that there are clear signs showing
the CCP's demise, especially in its ideological chaos.
Nowadays, none of the CCP top leadership has true faith in
communism, this has been discerned by ordinary citizens.
The biggest sign of the CCP's end, he says, is that
the Party elites have essentially lost their creativity.
In contrast, those who oppose it have kept on
demonstrating their originality.