







最近,前美国中情局(CIA) 29岁的技术助理爱德华‧斯诺登(Edward Snowden),向媒体揭露美国情报机构监听公众通讯的事,轰动全球。由于事件发生的时间和地点蹊跷,引各方猜测。

《美国有线电视新闻网》(CNN)报导,美国前中情局官员罗伯特‧贝尔(Robert Baer)6月9号表示,CIA高层可能把泄密者斯诺登看作是中共间谍。


四位八旬老人登八达岭 喊冤


6月11号,网友王喜灏(Hào)发微博说,这四位老人是湖南长沙市芙蓉区东岸乡的失地农民,当地政府暴力强拆,家被毁,人被打伤,还被拘留。 6月8号,他们登上八达岭长城喊冤求助。






China's “Shenzhou 10” Spaceship's Female Astronaut's Age Is Faked

China's first female astronaut, born after 1980, is highly
promoted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
However, a scandal concerning the astronaut,
Wang Yaping's age was exposed online as fraudlent.
People questioned if the purpose of the CCP changing the
astronaut's age was to brainwash the young generations.

Wang's profile published by media in Mainland China
showed she was born in January 1980, in Yantai city,
Shandong province. Her military rank is Major.

However, prior to this, Xinhua news agency
website's data showed that Wang was born in April 1978.
Now, most articles relating to Wang being born
after1970 have been deleted.

The contradictory reports by officials triggered
netizens heated discussions on the Internet.

Someone asks: “Can you send such young lady born after 1980
into space? What if she coudn't bear the hardship here ?

In the past, the CCP was fraudulent in previous Shenzhou
spaceships, such as Shenzhou 5, 7, 8 and Shenzhou 9.

CNN: NSA Leaker Is Suspected Of Being A Chinese Communist Party Spy.

Recently, Edward Snowden , 29-year-old technical
assistant of the CIA exposed to media that
USA intelligence agencies monitored the
publics' communications, shocking everyone.
The time and place of the event aroused public speculation.

CNN reported that, on June 9, ex-officer of CIA Robert Baer

said top leaders of the CIA were possibly considering the
leaker Snowden as the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) spy.

Baer believes that after Snowden revealed
his identity to the media, he fled to Hong Kong.
His move is obviously unwise. Baer said, on the surface,
it seemed to imply that the CCP was involved in it.
Especially at a critical time while President Obama
was meeting with Xi Jinping.
“You have to ask what on earth happened!”

Elderly Chinese Climbed Up The Great Wall To Cry “Injustice”

Recently, on Badaling Great Wall in Beijing, four 80-year-old
elderly wearing injustice slogans attracted attention of tourists.

On June 11, netizens Wang Xihao said on his Weibo that the
four elderly were from Dongan village in Changsha city, Hunan
Province, whose farmland were seized by the local
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials.
Because of the violent demolitions, their houses were destroyed.
They were beaten, injured, and detained.
On June 8, they climbed up Badaling Great Wall
to appeal to the public.

Their stories gained the tourists' sympathies.

Someone said that the 80-year-old elderly should stay at home
and enjoy their lives. But now their houses were destroyed.
If there was no one to look after them that's ok,
but the only place they can live in was destroyed.
This is the complaints with blood and tears
over the illegal demolitions.

Someone also condemned Changsha as a
real bloody demolition city in China.
Even 80-year-old elderly have no place to stay
because of demolitions.

Mainland media person Jin Qihui wrote:
“four elderly cried on the Great Wall shock the world.
They have nowhere to appeal for their injustice for demolition.
A ghost went into city to possess civilians' interests.”