【禁闻】欧巴马 习近平会谈后 各出各牌












时事评论员邢天行: “美国它在跟中国的交往中,它非常有分寸。两国在发展过程中,它有利益上合作的需要,但是它也有一个致命的根本分歧。在这个问题没有解决之前,美国不想跟中共有过亲密的外界形象。即给你面子,你要来访,我可以接待你,同时又没有让他的夫人出现。”



采访/朱智善 编辑/宋风 后制/钟元

Meeting of Obama With Xi Jinping

After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
leadership change,
the top leaders of the United States and China met for the
first time. Media reported it widely both in the US and China.
There were even hopes showing for cooperation
between the two countries.
But afterwards media immediately declared
the consensus reached was different.
The United States and Japan had joint military exercises
held in California, with the CCP launching spacecraft.
The two sides still have different actions.
Let's see the reports.

Just after the informal meeting between
President Obama and Chinese leader, Xi Jinping,
the differences between the two countries
were immediately revealed.

In the meeting, the two sides reach some consensus in
network security and North Korea's nuclear program.
The Chinese side claimed that both sides reached
seven consensuses.

On June 11, Japan's major media reported that the
US and Japan had joint military exercises in California.
They were attacking an island. It is the first time
for Japanese land, sea and air self-defense team to have joint military exercises in US to seize an island.
Although the United States and Japan claimed
joint military exercises to seize an island “is not directed against a specific country",
Japan's major media all have "Senkaku Islands
(Diaoyu Islands)" as a possible target.

US military exercises were scheduled for two weeks,
and were not affected by Xi Jinping's visit.

On June 11 in China, the CCP launched
Shenzhou X spacecraft carrying humans.
A pilot mother ship equipped with a
manned submersible machine Dragon,
also launched on June 10 to the Pacific Ocean
to perform certain tasks.

Hong Kong's Ming Pao pointed out that
from the past US-Sino summit's outcome,
although the long term had benefits to
bilateral relations, in the short term,
there will be a new round of conflicts,
showing the pendulum effects.

Ming Pao reported the United States immediately
released news that during Obama's meeting,
he explicitly rejected a proposal by Xi Jinping
"to stop arms sales to Taiwan".
The launch of Shenzhou X and Dragon's works
in the ocean were also being viewed as showing off to the United States.

US-based political commentator Wu Fan believes the core
values of US and China are different, so are prone to conflicts.

US-based political commentator Wu Fan said:
"Fundamentally the two countries have different political systems,
ideologies, social structures and public opinions. So it's
impossible to go toward the same direction in the long run.
There must be an opposite force to the other direction,
Then come back to the middle, swaying to and fro."

Some media reported that the U.S. first lady Michelle Obama
suddenly decided not to come to the meeting before the arrival
of Xi Jinping and his wife, Peng Liyuan.
Actually it was an expression that
Sino-US relationship is not that intimate.
Michelle's personal letter to Peng Liyuan
was also just an diplomatic expression.

Commentator Xing Tianxing:
"When dealing with China, the US has its own rules.
In the development process of the two countries,
it needs cooperation on interests,
but there is also a fatal fundamental difference.

Before this issue is resolved, the U.S. does not want
to have the image of being too intimate with the CCP.
That is, if you come to visit, he can meet with you,
but he did not let his wife appear."

Xing Tianxing believes that the meeting
of leaders of US and China,
it is impossible to have a greater impact on
Sino-US foreign policies.

Xing Tianxing also pointed out that

the CCP reported widely the outcomes of the
meeting between Xi and Obama for political needs.
It just wants to strengthen deception to the people,
to create the CCP's ascendance in the international atmosphere.
But it is like an advertisement beautifully done,
but actually is not in line with the truth.