【新唐人2013年06月15日讯】 朱瑞峰再报 高官包养美女日花一万
湖南两千老放映员上访 与警冲突
据大陆《维权网》报导,这群老放映员聚集时,一直没有省政府领导出面接待协商解决问题,到下午近3点钟,忽然来了大批武警,将他们包围,并分开进行驱散与带离。 6名维权代表当场被警察用手铐铐走。其他人则分别被各地政府维稳人员接走,遣送回老家。
Officer's Illicit Relationship Disclosed
On June 14, reporter Zhu Ruifeng, famous for exposing the
"pornographic video" of Chongqing officials, once again
revealed a video of Fan xx, deputy director of the General
Office, sharing a hotel room with a woman Ms. Ji.
According to Zhu Ruifeng's microblog, this video was very
popular, receiving 90, 000 hits within 30 minutes.
"The people's supervision network" reported
they received information from a woman called Ji.
She claimed that in 2009, she was a hostess of a TV program
and has lived with Fan for almost four years.
She lived an extravagant life with Fan;
receiving spending money of over 10,000 yuan a day.
Altogether, she spent over 10 million yuan in the four years.
Reportedly, Fan has been promoted to the Central Committee,
as deputy director of archives policies and regulations.
Fan admitted to reporter of "People's supervision network"
that he did spend over three million yun on the woman, Ji.
British Government Warns Airlines Worldwide
About Snowdon
The British government has warned airlines world-wide
not to take the US intelligence leaker Snowdon to England.
According to the "BBC" report,
the written warning was signed on June 10.
It requested airlines all over the world to refuse Snowdon
to board their aircraft because he was very likely be refused entry by Great Britain.
It is learned that a British diplomat confirmed this document
was real; it has been sent to airlines around the world.
The diplomat also said that any airline letting Snowden
on Board will be fined £2,000.
2000 Movie Projectionist Clash With Police In Hunan
On June 14, more than 2,000 movie projectionists from
various towns and cities of Hunan gathered in front of provincial city hall to ask for their livelihood issues be resolved.
They clashed with a large number of armed police,
and six people were arrested.
"Human Rights Defenders" reported that no one
from the government received them.
At about 3pm, a large number of armed police
surrounded them.
Six activists were handcuffed and taken away. Others
were sent back home by stability maintenance personnel.
湖南两千老放映员上访 与警冲突
据大陆《维权网》报导,这群老放映员聚集时,一直没有省政府领导出面接待协商解决问题,到下午近3点钟,忽然来了大批武警,将他们包围,并分开进行驱散与带离。 6名维权代表当场被警察用手铐铐走。其他人则分别被各地政府维稳人员接走,遣送回老家。
Officer's Illicit Relationship Disclosed
On June 14, reporter Zhu Ruifeng, famous for exposing the
"pornographic video" of Chongqing officials, once again
revealed a video of Fan xx, deputy director of the General
Office, sharing a hotel room with a woman Ms. Ji.
According to Zhu Ruifeng's microblog, this video was very
popular, receiving 90, 000 hits within 30 minutes.
"The people's supervision network" reported
they received information from a woman called Ji.
She claimed that in 2009, she was a hostess of a TV program
and has lived with Fan for almost four years.
She lived an extravagant life with Fan;
receiving spending money of over 10,000 yuan a day.
Altogether, she spent over 10 million yuan in the four years.
Reportedly, Fan has been promoted to the Central Committee,
as deputy director of archives policies and regulations.
Fan admitted to reporter of "People's supervision network"
that he did spend over three million yun on the woman, Ji.
British Government Warns Airlines Worldwide
About Snowdon
The British government has warned airlines world-wide
not to take the US intelligence leaker Snowdon to England.
According to the "BBC" report,
the written warning was signed on June 10.
It requested airlines all over the world to refuse Snowdon
to board their aircraft because he was very likely be refused entry by Great Britain.
It is learned that a British diplomat confirmed this document
was real; it has been sent to airlines around the world.
The diplomat also said that any airline letting Snowden
on Board will be fined £2,000.
2000 Movie Projectionist Clash With Police In Hunan
On June 14, more than 2,000 movie projectionists from
various towns and cities of Hunan gathered in front of provincial city hall to ask for their livelihood issues be resolved.
They clashed with a large number of armed police,
and six people were arrested.
"Human Rights Defenders" reported that no one
from the government received them.
At about 3pm, a large number of armed police
surrounded them.
Six activists were handcuffed and taken away. Others
were sent back home by stability maintenance personnel.