














采访/易如 编辑/周平 后制/孙宁

Documentary Film Director Du Bin In Criminal Detention

Du Bin, former New York Times photographer,
is director of documentary film,
“Above the Ghosts' Heads:
The Women of Masanjia Labor Camp.”
He disappeared for two weeks, until recently, and
local police have confirmed to family members that
he has been charged with an offence and
has been criminally detained.
However, Du Bin's family members have never
received a formal detention notice,
they have now hired lawyers to defend their son.

Beijing rights activist, Hu Jia, believes that

Du Bin's detention was related to his film and
his new book, “ The Tiananmen Massacre”.

14 days have passed since Du Bin disappeared on May 31.
Du Bin's sister told the Epoch Times that
Hu Jia, rights activist in Beijing, had accompanied her
to file the case at a local police station.
They were told that Du Bin had been criminally
detained by domestic security police authorities.
Yet during this time,
Du Bin's family had never been officially informed.

Hu Jia told Deutsche Welle that after Du Bin went missing,

his sister saw a Notice of Summons,
which the police left at Du Bin's house.
The Notice was dated June 1, without the signature
of the issuing authority.

(Beijing lawyer) Mo Shaoping: “According to regulations,
when public security organs take coercive measures in detaining a suspect,
they should always seek the approval of the Procutatorate,

and within 24 hours, they should inform
the detainee's family or his employer.
The only exception is when the public security organs
find it impossible to do so.
A formal notice of detention/arrest should contain
the following information, which is required by law.
Information should include the suspected crimes,
the place of custody,
details of the coercive measures taken,
and the name of the executive authority.
Any lack of such data that is noted, points to illegality
on the part of the public security organs.”

Hu Jia reveals that on the Notice of Summons,
Du Bin was charged with “disturbing public order”.
Hu Jia views it as a new political frame-up
invented by the CCP authorities.

Mo Shaoping: “Usually, the domestic security police
works on domestic security cases.
Simple cases like theft, murder, arson or robbery, are crimes,
which are normally covered by the criminal police.”

Hu Jia speculates that Du Bin's detention was
related to his documentary film and to his new book
about the June 4th Massacre at Tien An Men.

Du Bin's documentary film “Above the Ghosts' Heads”
was premiered on May 1st in Hong Kong.
The film disclosed tortures that have been imposed
on detained Falun Gong practitioners and
petitioners sentenced to serve time
in Masanjia Women's Forced Labor Camp.
It has aroused much alarm and growing concern
in China and overseas.
It has fueled calls to abolish the CCP's
reeducation-through-labor (RTL) system.

On the eve of June 4th, Du Bin released
his new book “Tiananmen Massacre”.
It contains some historical photos of the 1989 crackdown
and other data that Du Bin has collected over eight years.

Zhu Xinxin, ex-editor at Hebei state radio, comments.
Du Bin's film and book, just like bombshells,
expose new evidence of the CCP's guilt in the
Tiananmen massacre. This is what the CCP fears, says Zhu.

Zhu Xinxin: “If some reporting is clearly not based on facts,
you can file a lawsuit against the author.
But the CCP authorities have now used dirty tricks
to detain Du Bin on a false charge.
What does this behavior prove?
It illustrates the authorities' weakness!
Filing a lawsuit needs evidence and investigation,
which the CCP is most unlikely to be prepared for.
This trumped up charge against Du Bin proves that
the CCP fears exposure of the truth.”

Du's sister has commissioned two lawyers to defend him.

One of them is Pu Zhiqiang, a renowned Chinese lawyer,
who has defended many RTL victims.

Hong Kong writer, Cheung Shing Kok,
feels inspired by Du Bin's courage.

Cheung Shing Kok: “Topics such as the persecution
of Falun Gong, and the June 4th massacre are both taboos subjects for Beijing.
Du Bin has clearly aroused the CCP's anger in touching
upon these two topics in his video and book.
Of course, Mr. Du has paid dearly for safeguarding
universal values and freedom of belief!
He has suffered a lot to restore historical truth and
and has stood up to disclose the truth.
With such a spirit, he really is a worthy man!”

Before his arrest, Du Bin was interviewed by Shi Tao,
NTD TV's famous show host.
Later on his web page, Shi Tao praised Du Bin's
moral integrity, as representing a true Chinese.
Shi Tao is appealing to the public to help gain freedom
for a good Samaritan, who represents Chinese dignity.