














采访/易如 编辑/宋风 后制/孙宁

Were Lei Zhengfu and Zhao Hongxia in Love?

The promiscuity videotape court case of Lei Zhengfu,

former secretary of the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) in Beibei District, Chongqing, is now on trial.
In the court, Lei claimed that he and the woman in
the video, Zhao Hongxia were in a love relationship.
On June 21, CCP state media claimed
that when Zhao Hongxia was in court, she
had cried to ask Lei to testify their initial love.
However, this was immediately denied
by Zhao's attorney in a microblog.
Zhu Ruifeng, who first broke the news, pointed out that
Chongqing authorities tried to cover up the sex scandal.
The whole process is a farce of the Chongqing authorities.

In total, six people, including Zhao Hongxia,

Xiao Ye, and Xu Sheqing, had used the
indecent video to blackmail Lei Zhengfu.
The case was under a private trial
on June 20 in Yubei District Court.
Officials claimed that as it involves personal
privacy, the trial process is not open to the public.

However, the CCP media and major websites reported it.

It was reported that Zhao Hongxia could
not control her emotions during the trial.
She cried that she did not know
things would become so serious.
She asked Lei Zhengfu to come forward,
to testify that the two were initially in love.

The day before, during the bribery trial, Lei
also said that the two of them were in love.
Zhao wanted to get married, so he
found Xiao Ye to settle her down.
Lei also said, that “the former materials provided to the
Commission for Discipline Inspection were not true.”

On the morning of June 21, Zhao's attorney
issued a statement on a microblog.
Zhao Hongxia never said that she had been
in love with Lei, and asked media to be objective.

Zhang Zhiyong, also told media that, “firstly, Zhao
did not request for the appearance of Lei in court.
Secondly, it is not true that Zhao Hongxia loved Lei.”

Zhang Zhiyong said that in this incident,
Zhao believes she and Xiao Ye were in love.
Zhao's sexual relationship with Lei was to make
a sacrifice for Xiao, hoping to help his career.

Beijing political observer Hua Po, believes that the
impact of the adulterous video scandal was too large.
The authorities want to get rid of it as
soon as possible, and by all means.

Hua Po: “It is a big scandal for the
CCP. It is related to its legitimacy.
It is very embarrassing for the ruling party, so it wants
to get this thing settled, with as little impact as possible.
When being adjudicated, the investigators
may give them indirect and vague guidance."

Zhu Ruifeng, who first broke the news, pointed out that

the Chongqing authorities tried to cover up the awful
sex scandal, because too many officials were involved.
So the police asked everyone to look for local lawyers.

Xu Sheqing hired a Beijing lawyer, and also revealed
that the authorities had destroyed all investigation files.
That was, except for files relating to Lei Zhengfu.

Zhu Ruifeng said that the infuriated authorities
portrayed Xu Sheqing as being “not very involved”.

Zhu Ruifeng, moderator of people supervision network:
“The whole process is actually a farce of the Chongqing
authorities, and is becoming a mockery of justice.
When they started to expose Lei Zhengfu, they immediately
arrested Zhao Hongxia, Xu Sheqing, as well as others.
This was to prevent them from leaking more
information about indecent videos of officials.
But, I have obtained 7 videos. When I exposed
Lei Zhengfu, the authorities had dealt with Lei.
Then under the pressure of public
opinion, they also dealt with 10 officers.
And then another 10, without
publishing any of their names.”

Zhu Ruifeng commented that initially, the authorities
tried to sentence Zhao Hongxia to 15 years or more.
However, under pressure from netizens and
media, she was transferred from the Intermediate
People's Court to the Chongqing District Court.

Zhu Ruifeng: “In China, all media are the
mouthpieces of the party and the government.
A lot of media have not reported any truths,
except a few outspoken media reports.
Before facts were exposed, the editor-in-chief
and editor would need to censor it first.
So the reporters who often report the truth
are suppressed, or imprisoned, or discredited.”

Zhu Ruifeng said that in China, it is
not only journalists who are oppressed.
Lawyers with a sense of justice, like Teng Biao,
Li Heping and Pu Zhiqiang are also suppressed.