

















采访编辑/常春 后制/薛莉

University Professors Openly Stand Up To The Central Government

Lin Jianhua, the president of Chongqing University
inChina is going to work at Zhejiang University.
On June 23 a statement “What type of president
does Zhejiang University need?”
by Zhejiang University alumni appeared on
the Internet and spread rapidly.
The statement had demands and expectations for
“the new president of Zhejiang University”.

Zhejiang University alumni said in the
statement through microblog
“The president of Zhejiang University should be
an academic leader with integrity and ability.
His or her university management capability
should be widely recognized in society.”

It is understood that more than 40 people mainly
responsible for the alumni associations of
Zhejiang University from the China mainland and
abroad participated in the statement.

At the same time, microbloggers in China
published a long post:
“To go against Mr. Lin Jianhua to serve as
the president of Zhejiang University”,
which was forwarded by many netizens.

It is understood that Lin Jianhua holds an
Inorganic Chemistry Ph.D. degree from Peking University.
He served as the president of Chongqing University
until the end of 2010.
In March this year, an article named “the shame of Chongqing
University” was posted in the Democracy Lake forum.
This sparked intense discussion. The article pointed to the
innovative ideas directly implemented by Lin Jianhua.

Wang Xiaojie, the chairman of Zhejiang University
Alumni Association in France discussed the motives for launching the joint statement.
He said “We hope to find a person who is in the prime of
life with integrity and ability to serve as the president.
We also hope the selection mechanism of
university presidents in China are improved and open with fairness and transparency.”

Wang Xiaojie: “We proposed five standards
for a candidate in the joint statement.
First, we need a candidate with integrity and ability.
Second, we need the continuity of university policy.
We need a president who could work at
Zhangjiang University for a long time.
He or she should be familiar with Zhejiang University affairs.

The degree of coordination between
the various departments is very important.
Therefore, the candidate’s academic attainments
have to convince the public.”

This event caused a great disturbance on the Internet.
Many netizens followed up with support statements.

Several netizens said they support the alumni
to use democratic means of expression.
This is also the voice of Zhejiang University
people all over the world!
Democratic spirit is extremely scarce in today’s society.

On this point, Zhejiang University is
at the international forefront!

Xia Guiqi, retired history professor at Zhejiang University:
“People under the president are his senior intellectuals.
If they do not have the ability to select their presidents,
where else could we have free elections?”

Several netizens also expressed views: “We first came
across this sixty years ago. We are still concerned!”

On the evening of June 24 the official microblog account of
Zhejiang University Alumni Association announced that no
statement was published by them on the appointment of
university leaders under Zhejiang University Alumni Association.”

After that, Wang Xiaojie also issued a statement
through the Microblog.
He said again that the “joint statement” is not opposed
to Zhejiang University president’s appointment.
The alumni just expressed their aspirations and
expectations of the candidates.

Wang Xiaojie: “The president of Zhejiang University
has not been appointed so far.
Who are we going against? Our statement did not point to
anyone directly as there is no one for us to point, right?
We just made demands. Once the Zhejiang University
candidate is revealed, we will go for judgment.”

Sun Wenguang, a former professor at
Shangdong University told NTD TV that
the “new president” set by higher authorities often
carry out the leaders’ intentions as part of getting the post.
Sun Wenguang also revealed that university presidents in
China are put in place by the Communist Party committee.

Sun Wenguang: “Some universities are key universities,

then the presidents must be determined by the
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) committee of the
Ministry of Education or the
Organization Department of the CCP.
For general universities, the presidents are determined
by the provincial CCP organization department and related parts of the Department of Education.
Finally, the presidents are appointed on behalf of the
Ministry of Education. In fact, the CCP is the operator.
To consider the appointment of presidents, the first step is to
obey the CCP. The second is to adhere to the socialism.”

Xia Guiqi, former history professor of Zhejiang University said
that more and more people are hungry for democracy and freedom in China.
People are beginning to care about the environment
around them and are not as cold as before.