【禁闻】习近平下新指令 官员要倒大霉?


有香港媒体观察发现,自去年中共十八大之后, 36篇公开报导习近平的讲话中,超过三分之一都提到反腐倡廉问题,这一次也不例外。













采访/易如 编辑/王子琦 后制/钟元

Is Xi Jinping’s anti-bribery campaign going to work?

On the eve of the 92 anniversary of the founding of the CCP,

general secretary Xi Jinping claimed GDP growth will no longer
serve as the index of the standard for promoting officials.
He stressed his devotion to stopping bribery in his
anti-corruption campaign.
Skeptics, however, criticize that the core interest of
the CCP will not allow genuine supervision.
The following is our report.

A Hong Kong media outlet analyzed that
since the 18th National Congress,
Xi talked about anti-corruption in one third of
his 36 public speeches.

The CCP national organization working conference
took place in Beijing on the 28th and 29th of June.
Xi discussed eliminating officers appointed through
bribery over the next five years.

Zhu Xinxin, former Hebei People's Radio editor indicated
that based on the premise of CCP one-party dictatorship, supervision does not exist.
The shared interest will not allow them
to operate any effective mechanism.

Zhu Xinxin: "CCP’s ant-corruption campaign
is just another talk which everyone is used to.
The effect will be very little. The ‘keep cadres ahead’
movement has been going on since Jiang Zemin’s era.
Nothing has changed and the corruption is only
getting worse.
It must go with a fundamental change of this closed
and authoritarian system top-down.
To completely eliminate corruption, the government
must go through constitution, separation of power,
checks and balances, and
public and transparent operation."

In the meeting, Xi also said that evaluation of officials
will no longer adhere to the GDP number.

Political commentator Wang Beiji indicated that the CCP
has built ruling legitimacy based on GDP for several decades.
The GDP growth has been an index to promote officials.

Wang Beiji: "The CCP GDP has never been real.

With the big economy mess, the falsified GDP
has been used to boost people’s confidence.
The GDP is no longer working in the downfall of economy.

On top of that, problems such as environment
and social conflict remain to be resolved."

Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang, a new generation of CCP leaders,
launched the Green GDP concept for ecological civilization.
Economic growth will not take place at the expense
of the environment.

However, Deng Yongheng, Director of Institute of Real Estate
Studies, National University of Singapore, analyzed that
for the past 10 years, 283 Chinese cities mayors,
“Promotion of officials is proportional to GDP.
It’s hard for green officials to get promoted.”

Meanwhile, Xi mentioned in his speech that it relies on people
to live up to the 18th National Congress objectives.
He requested to build a cadre team of great quality.

Zhu Xinxin: "Great quality? As a Christian,
there’s no one of great quality.
Only when someone engages in a belief will a person
be able to develop towards the positive side and
eliminate misconduct through supervision.
Theory by itself will never work."

Right after Xi’s talk was revealed, a Chinese official’s
remark was exposed Internet on June 30.
It read, “Why do we need police if police
cannot beat people?”

A netizen commented: "Aren’t there enough cadres already?
Why do we need another team of cadres?”
This netizen also remarked that the anti-corruption
is a farce against people, not the system.
Evil will surely continue in the system.