【禁闻】许志永被拘 新一轮打压反腐人士?

【新唐人2013年07月18日讯】许志永被拘 新一轮打压反腐人士?






上海秘审“打倒共产党”案 民喊放人





新疆要求民众拒绝受访 举报记者




Civil Rights Lawyer Xu Zhiyong Detained

On July 16, Beijing civil rights activist Xu Zhiyong was
detained on suspicion of disturbing public places.
He is currently held at Beijing Third Detention Center.

A friend of Xu Zhiyong revealed on microblog, that
Beijing Public Security Traffic Management Bureau took Xu Zhiyong away,
and also his three computers, mobile phones and
some other items from his home.
Xu Zhiyong's arrest has caused a strong reaction among
Mainland Chinese intellectuals.
Many people worry its the start of a new round of silencing
rights activists by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
The main targets are intellectuals who dare to demand that
officials declare their assets.
Human rights lawyer Teng Biao told Agence
France-Presse that others may also get arrested.
After CCP new leaders took office, some people from the
Mainland were encouraged to come forward to publicly ask
officials to declare their assets to promote anti-corruption.
Unfortunately, so far, 16 people have been arrested for that.

Secret Hearing Of Human Rights Activists In Shanghai

On July 16, several dozen people were outside Shanghai
Zhabei court, waving banners and shouting slogans.
They were there to support human right activists, Wand
Kouma and Wei Qin, having a secret hearing in court.
The crowd asked for their immediately release.

It is understood that in January 2012, Wang and Wei led
people to shout"Down with the Chinese Communist Party,"
(CCP) during a mourning ceremony for Wang's mother.

In July 2012, Wei led dozens of people again doing
the same during the mourning of Chen Xiaoming.
Photos and videos were circulated on the Internet.

Wang and Wei were arrested by the Zhabei Branch of
Shanghai Public Security Bureau for disturbing public places.

The Chinese Communist Party Stops Xinjiang People
From Giving Interviews

After massive bloodshed in June,
Xinjiang has remained tense.
This week, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) told
residents in Urumqi not to accept any phone interviews
and inform on any reporter who tried to inquire about
the"Bachu incident and Shanshan incident."
International correspondents groups said that after very
destructive events, the CCP wants to closely guard all news.