【禁闻】冀中星被刑拘 兄:8年生活如狗

【新唐人2013年07月23日讯】冀中星被刑拘 兄:8年生活如狗







北京连发伤人事件 4人被砍伤






内蒙数百牧民包围公安局 砸警车





Beijing Airport Bomber’s Miserable Life

Ji Chongxing, the bomber at Beijing Capital International
Airport was recently detained by Beijing police.
Officials have started to investigate Ji’s case; how he got to
Beijing airport, any accomplices, and the origin of explosives.
Ji’s case has attracted many sympathizers and supporters
on the Internet.
Before detonating explosives, Ji especially asked travelers
around to stay away because he did not want to hurt them.
Ji’s brother told Hong Kong media, Ji Zhongxing lived like
an animal in the last eight years, with no dignity or hope.
His bombing in Beijing airport was telling others of the
injustice he encountered.
A few years ago, Ji was assaulted by security team of
Dongguan, Guangdong with steel rods.
His spine was fractured leading to lower body paralysis.

Ji went to court about that, but the court dismissed
his case on insufficient evidence.

Recent Homicides In Beijing

On the same day as Ji’s bombing at Beijing airport, a man
threw flyers all over Beijing airport and caused confusion.
Homicides also took place in the Beijing area.

On July 22, near a shopping center someone stabbed a woman
to death and three were injured, including two children.
According to netizens, on July 17, two people were stabbed
to death at Beijing Chaoyang.
On July 13, a 30 months old girl was kidnapped in Beijing.
People Surround Public Security Bureau And Smash Police Vehicles

On July 20, Xilin area of Inner Mongolia, hundreds of people
surrounded the police station and security bureau.
They smashed police vehicles.

According to "Chinese Jasmine Revolution" website,
on July 22, Han Chinese fought Mongolian herdsmen after drinking alcohol.
Police arrested herders and caused discontent. The police
dispatched a lot of special forces to suppress people.
One person was injured and a dozen arrested.