














原宁波工程学院教授 张新宇:“(中国的)学校所成立的目地本来不是为了培养人才的,就像共产党那些媒体一样的,它的目地不是让你知道甚么,是让你爱共产党,恨中国共产党的敌人。”


采访/易如 编辑/宋风 后制/周天

150 Sham Universities in China

A late renowned scholar, Qian Zhongshu, in China in the
1940's, published Besieged City, describing Fang Hongjian,
Fang was an overseas student who had studied abroad
for many years, but did not get a doctor's degree,
feeling unable to explain his failure to his family,
he bought a fake Ph. D degree from crooks.
Fang's degree was supposed to have been from a
Clayton University, Fang then went back home.
This kind of thing is common in China today. There
are 150 universities exposed as sham in China.
Let's see the following reports.

A go-to-college website in China recently announced
a list of 150 sham universities in two batches.
It is said that over 100 fake universities exist throughout
13 provinces in China, and that more than 7% are in Beijing.
Their goal is to equal the intake of good universities,
with low-scoring students, and to calm anxious parents.

Most fake universities' names had only one word difference
in the name from those famous universities, such as
Beifang Medical School, Shanghai Economic and
Trade University.

Go-to-college website also found that many fake universities
had directly plagiarized the profile from true universities
in previous years, like Beijing Urban Construction University
just copied a profile of Tianjin Urban Construction University.

However, these fake universities do not fear being revealed.

Beifang Medical school website is still in normal operation
and continues to admit students.

Sun Wenguang: "Now people generally want their
children to have a university diploma.
In such a market, the official management of universities
is very loose, having no strict approval system.
As long as you have a relationship and can bribe officials,
then you can get a business license for a university."

Sun Wenguang, a retired professor of Shandong University
pointed out that the CCP implemented an educational industry,
this turned colleges into means of making money,
educational institutes became places of business corruption.

With the non-formal university,
there are many conflicts regarding diplomas.
In October 2006, GanJiang Vocational and Technical
College, and Nanchang Institute of Clothing,
private schools in Jiangxi Province, gained success, despite
student protests over cheating and forged diplomas.
More than 5,000 angry students set fire to
school buildings, dormitories and cars.
Authorities were forced to send 5,000 armed police
with dogs and armored vehicles, to block the campus.

In June 2008, Nanjing Artillery Academy students also had
mass protests because of issues over diplomas;
In June 2009, Nanjing Industrial and Technical School had
thousands of students in revolt.
There were collective demonstrations, because the school
does not issue formal diplomas.

U.S. commentator Lan Shu: "These students and
their parents who were cheated, went to sue,
but could not harm these fake universities, because
they were backed by someone in power higher up.
It is not only corruption in the education sector,

but it actually also involves corruption of the entire
Chinese Communist Party bureaucracy at all levels."

Times Higher Education Supplement published the world's
highest potential university rankings in 2013 on June 19.
The list did not include any Chinese universities,
but four universities in Hong Kong,
these schools were all among the first 40,
included were also five universities in Taiwan.

This list is ranked based on 13 indicators, including
the school's ability to innovate, quality of teaching,
research achievements, papers cited,
and international reputation.

Sun Wenguang: "In China, it is basically all government
-run universities conforming to bureaucratic rules, issued by officials.
They just enroll students and issue diplomas, regardless of
the students' levels, as long as they can get money.”

Sun Wenguang said that China's universities are
dominated by the CCP and government organs,
all universities are concerned about is
their administrative ranking,
instead of being conscientious or concerned about
the level of the school's academic standards.

Zhang Xinyu: “(China) established schools without any
intention of nurturing talents, they are like the CCP media,
their purpose is not for one to learn, but to make people
love the CCP, and hate the regime's enemies.”

Zhang Xinyu, former Professor of Ningbo
Engineering Institute pointed out that
the purpose of education for the CCP was just like
how Mao put it: Education serves politics.
The CCP's education is not to train talent for
the country, but to maintain power.