

美、中新一轮人权对话日前结束,据《美联社》报导,美国国务院民主、人权与劳工事务助理国务卿泽亚(Uzra Zeya),8月2号在北京举行的一次新闻会上表示,中国人权状况继续恶化,美、中新一轮人权对话成果远低于美方的期待。













China's Human Rights Deteriorate

The United States and China recently concluded
a new round of human rights dialogue.
According to The Associated Press, on August 2, Uzra Zeya,
assistant secretary of the U.S. State Department of Democracy,
Human Rights and Labor Affairs, spoke at a press conference
held in Beijing about China’s human rights situation.
This continues to deteriorate, and the results of the dialogue
were far below the expectations of the United States.

Zeya, leader of the U.S. delegation of human rights dialogue
commented that China is strengthening its suppression of activists and their relatives,
as well as using tough policies towards minorities
in Tibet and Xinjiang.
The United States is deeply concerned with that.

Zeya said discussing human rights issues with China was
difficult, but will always be an integral part of US diplomacy.

Dalian Case Is Only A Miniature Of Falun Gong Cases

On August 2, many human rights lawyers stood in court to
defend 13 Falun Gong practitioners from Dailian who installed satellite receivers to watch NTD.
More than 300 police officers, bailiffs, and plainclothes
security guards were in the courtroom.
Defense Lawyers were assaulted by unidentified personnel,
and were pushed around by court bailiffs.
Ultimately, all the lawyers left the court.

Tang Jitian, human right lawyer from the case, said the 13
Falun Gong practitioners helped to install satellite receivers,
transporting equipment, or drilling a hole in the wall.
There is no restriction in the law for these activities.
Tang commented that there was no legitimacy in this case,
from the initial filing to the present court action.

According to Radio France Internationale, Tang pointed
out that this case is a miniature view of Falun Gong cases.
For the last fourteen years, the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) brutally suppressed the Falun Gong group,
torturing them, and making them disappear.
Now, the same evil practice has extend to other groups, like
petitioners, land owners after their land was stolen, and home
owners after their homes were forcibly demolished.

Tang Jitian said that the sufferings of Falun Gong group
due to human rights violations, are crimes against humanity.
If people ignore such crimes, committed by the CCP officials
and their followers. The consequences are likely to expand.

Profitable Show "Princess Wencheng" Can Also Brainwash People

On August I, "Princess Wencheng" was premiered in Lhasa.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) spent more than seven
hundred million yuan to produce this show,
which will enhance high-end tourism, strengthen the rule of
Tibet, and carry out a large-scale campaign and advocacy.

Tibetan writer Tsering Woeser said in her blog,
"This is a tool to rewrite history and change memories."
Tsering Woeser estimated that this show will become
a must-see show in the future if traveling to Lhasa.
She says ironically,“The CCP can kill two birds with one stone,
making money and brainwashing people at the same time.
Only re-written history and slaughtered Tibetans are suffering.
