【禁闻】党媒发文反宪政 网路遭轰

【新唐人2013年08月06日讯】党媒发文反宪政 网路遭轰

















Netizens Condemn Anti-Constitutional System Article

On August 5, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) mouthpiece
media People's Daily overseas edition published an article.
The article criticized constitutional system ideology.

It claimed that constitutional system belongs to capitalism,
is not compatible with socialism.
It triggered netizens' heated controversy.

A netizen said that to go against constitutional system
is to deny human's political civilization.
The essence of constitutional system is to protect civil rights,
and limit public rights.
It requires the organizations and individuals to obey
the constitutional law.
This is the basic rule for the modern society, It is the
foundation to achieve a stable harmonious society.

The netizen stressed that to go against constitutional system
is abuse of public power and supports corruption.
It is the preparation for the return to feudalism,
and attempt to lead China to an unrestful society.

Ren Zhiqiang, a popular businessman in Mainland China also
posted an article "Absurd Logic of Anti-Constitutional System",
written by professor Chen Zhiwu, Yale University, for his view.

Li Jianjun Files ICAC Complaint Over Corruption

Former Journalist Li Jianjun of Shanxi Evening News has
reported on Weibo microblog of China Resources corruption.
On August 5, Li went to Hong Kong Independent Commission
Against Corruption (ICAC) and Police Station.
Li complained about five companies owned by
China Resources in Hong Kong.
He pointed out their Chairman Song Lin and
senior managers' corruption.

Voice of America (VOA) reported that Li Jianjun spent
an hour at ICAC, later he came out spoke to media.
He said he has provided enough evidence to ICAC.

ICAC noted down his contact details, will inform him
within 48 hours whether to file the case.

Li Jianjun said that he has evidence including National
Audit Office's internal investigation on China Resources Power
corruption allegations, the agreement of purchasing coal mine
businesses and payment receipts.

Li Jianjun said that the investigation report which he obtained,
was passed to him by a senior manager from China Resource.

Li said that man behind Song Lin is very powerful.

He can manipulate the situation, and ordered the Audit Office
to cease the investigation.

Albert Ho Chun-yan, member of the Legislative Council
told VOA that
it will be big news if ICAC decides to investigate the
allegation of China Resource's corruption according to Li's evidence.

Wall Street Journal Chinese Website Blocked In China

On August 4, France-Presse reported that Wall Street Journal
(WSJ) Chinese edition website was censored in Mainland China.
It is unconfirmed if it is an accident or is a decision.

WSJ Chinese edition begun to operate in 2002.

Its reports were censored frequently, particularly in 2010
and 2012, so that the entire website was blocked.

Du Jianguo, Beijing independent scholar said in Sina Weibo
that WSJ was blocked.
Is this to do with its reports on Chinese regime inviting the
World Bank to put proposal for China to privatize a major bank?