【禁闻】变异社会 揭校长开房记者被迫辞职








四川《广元晚报》的记者因为报导了《司机与收费站扯皮堵路 称我们领导官大》,也被约谈,导致报社日子很难过。大陆《新快报》调查记者刘虎悲叹:我们的同行都怎么了?








采访编辑/刘惠 后制/李智远
Sex Scandal Whistleblower Forced To Resign In Retaliation

Recently, scandals of the Chinese Communist Party’s
(CCP) officials have been uncovered one after another.
However, the individuals who revealed the truth
to the public were also severely suppressed.
The journalist who reported an elementary school
principal in Hainan booking hotel rooms with school girls,
was forced to resign under intimidation.

Under Communist China where revealing the truth
is commonly followed by suppression of the regime.
Lately the situation seems to have become worse.

More cases are reported that the journalist or individual is
suppressed very shortly after they revealed a scandal.

On Aug 8th, the journalist who revealed the sex
Scandal of Hainan Elementary principal, had been
forced to leave his media job in Hainan
under the pressure from local officials.

After the sex scandal was reported by media, Wanning
local department of police and justice tried to persuade
the victims’ parents, not to “make things serious”.
Family members of the principal also called them to
settle the case privately.

The Wanning justice bureau also tried to defend the
principal during a media conference.
Furthermore, the local police announced that they found
no occurrence of sexual abuse through investigation.

Guo Yongfeng, Founder of Chinese Citizen Watchdog: ”The
whole government is rotten to the core, and has self interests.
As everyone in this system is corrupt, it turns out that
they always protect each other.
When I get into trouble through a scandal, you can help me
by doing the suppression work and vice versa.
They have turned the whole government into a shelter
for corruption using political powers.”

Li Jianjun worked in Shanxi media who recently revealed
the corruption case of Song Lin, president of China Resources.
Li told BBC that, Song Lin's group tried to
make influence through Li's friends in Shanxi,
from his primary school classmate to
acquaintance officials, pressure him on the issue.

The netizen who recently revealed Shanghai Superior Court
officers’ scandal of soliciting prostitutes, told media that he
was also currently being intimidated.

A journalist of “Guangyuan Evening News”
recently reported on “Driver refused to pay road tolls
saying his boss is a high-level official”.

Because of that, the journalist was brought away for a
“talk” and the newspaper is also having a hard time.
Liu Hu, a Chinese reporter hence questioned:
“What has happened to my peers?”

Ma Xiaoming, former reporter of Shaanxi Television,
was forcibly fired by the CCP as he attended the democratic movement in 1989.
After that he became an independent reporter.

Ma told NTD that, he had seen all kinds of
suppression during investigation of incidents.

Ma Xiaoming: ”I had also been intimidated by different powers.
When performing on-the-spot investigation, I was directly
intimidated by government employees and police.
They even beat me, insulted me, grabbed my camera,
or detained me in local public security bureaus.
I have experienced things like this many times.
A reporter in Xi'an, Feng Zhaoxia, was even secretly
killed and his body was left in the country field.”

Overseas reported that a Chinese press photographer
specializing in criminal investigation and revealing corruption
cases has faced death threats many times.
Even when eating in a McDonald he keeps worrying
about being recognized by them.

Ma Xiaoming: ”Rather than others, those threats
are directly from the governmental, judicial and
law enforcement officers that publicly intimidated
or even attempted to murder us as revenge.
Their behavior is indeed the same as protection or
indulgence of serious crimes.”

Gao Qinrong, a senior media worker in China was once
unjustly imprisoned for 8 years for revealing corruption cases.
Recently, he also wrote on his weibo telling the public that,
in revealing the corruption of a family in Yuncheng,
Shanxi, he received many life-threatening messages.

Li Shanjian, Independent commentator:
”They are doing what a hero should do, but our society
does not offer enough support behind them.
The persons or group being revealed are still able to
aggressively perform their revenge.
This suggests that our social value system has been distorted.

If something cannot be accepted by the whole society
and everyone opposes it,
those who are involved can hardly survive
if their scandal is known by the public.”

The situation in Taiwan is different. A month ago,
a soldier was tortured to death in the army.
After the incident was revealed by media, 250,000 Taiwanese
protested on Aug 3rd in front of the President's Office.
The president Ma Ying-jeou went out to shake hands
with protesters, however was rejected.
The crowd called together “Ma Ying-jeou should step down”.
