


杨林的代理律师李静林对《美国之音》表示,8月12号将前往深圳,但能否见到当事人,他不能确定,因为 ‘煽动颠覆国家政权罪’,比其他罪名的案子,会见难度要大得多。










粤警逮两人 指造谣禽流感疫情







Shenzhen Rights Activist Yang Lin Charged
With Inciting Subversion

Shenzhen rights activist Yang Lin was arrested on
the charge of inciting subversion of state power.
He is now detained in Futian district detention in Shenzhen.

Yang Lin’s attorney Li Jing told VOA that
he will be going to Shenzhen on August 12.
Li is not sure if he will be abe to meet with Yang
as it’s harder to meet a litigant charged with “Inciting subversion of state power”

Li Jing said that Yang Lin has no capability to incite
subversion of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regime.
The CCP accusations against him are ridiculous because
Yang Lin is not an influential type of person.

Mainland media Human Rights Defenders’ report say Yang
Lin is 45, from Shangdian, Linqing City, Shandong Province.
He went to Shenzhen for work when he was 20. He started
to work at the grassroots level to protect peoples’ rights.
During that time, he joined rights activities of Wukan of
Guangdong and Qian Yunhui's mysterious death case.

Yang Lin has been missing since June 12.
His family didn’t receive an arrest notice until just recently.

Guangdong lawyer Tang Jingling believes Yang Lin’s arrest
may be due to joining a “holding banner” activity in Shenzhen.

Rumor:Journalists Won’t Be Able To Report Official Corruption

Journalists have continually reported on corrupt officials from
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) recently in China.
It is clear that the CCP is now suppressing whistleblowers so
journalists may be banned from reporting corrupt officials.

@lawyer Wang Peng who has solid attestation on
Sina Weibo published an article saying journalists will be banned from reporting corruption.
He says the mainland journalists association investigates in
major newspapers the issues of “whether report action violates
professional norms, is it legal, and how to deal with it”.

This information aroused strong responses among Weibo
media people who made a lot of condemning comments.

Previously mainland journalists Luo Changping, Wang Wenzhi,
and Liu Hu had reported three corrupt vice-ministerial officials.
Former national energy bureau director Liu Tienan
reported by Luo Changping has already fallen.
The two other cases have no results back yet.

Two People Arrested In Guangdong,
Accused Of Spreading H7N9 Rumors

On August 11, two girls who posted Huizhou H7N9 bird flu
information on Weibo were arrested, criticized, and “educated” by Guangdong police.

According to mainland media, Huizhou police says
both of the girls are in Boluo County.
One of them posted on Sina Weibo “H7N9 outbreak in Boluo.
Several people have died. No one has reported about it.”

The other girl posted on qq.com saying,
“According to reliable insider’s information,
over 30 people have been infected by
the H7N9 virus in Henghe of Boluo County.”
Police considered the information untruthful,
and punished the two girls.

But netizens say according to past experience, so called false
information by CCP police is always proved to be the truth.