【禁闻】王石发惊言 企业家想安全要说“不”












采访/ 陈汉 编辑/张天宇 后制/王明宇

Shi Calls on Chinese Entrepreneurs to Say No to Injustice

Wang Shi, Chinese property tycoon and
chairman of the Vanke Group continues to
bravely speak up on China's political issues.
In a media interview, Wang compared China to ancient
Rome, saying now "it is the darkness before the dawn".
Shortly afterwards, he further commented on the secret
execution of Hunan property developer Zeng Chengjie.
Wang called on more businesspeople to
stand out against social retrogression.
He asks them to bravely say no to power sectors that
violate law, private property rights and human rights.
Wang's words are regarded as a signal from Chinese
entrepreneurs of breaking their silence against injustice.
This has turned into a highly controversial topic in China.

Caixin.com, an online Chinese
finance media covered this story.
On Aug 13, Wang Shi addressed a seminar hosted
by Tianze Institute of Economics. It was called:
"Analysis of Zeng Chengjie's Case: The Living Environment
of Chinese Private Financial Agencies and Entrepreneurs".
Wang said that currently, the lives and properties
of Chinese entrepreneurs were no longer safe.
That is, if they stayed silent about political issues.

To protect themselves, they should say what has to
be heard, integrating their voices into this new age.
Wang's words have been echoed by many businesspeople.

On the other hand, another group of entrepreneurs
led by Lenovo's founder Liu Chuanzhi, insists
businesspeople should "talk only business"
and should "stay out of politics".
Division between the two groups has led
to a stormy discussion on the internet.

Feng Xingyuan, Vice Director of Tianze Institute of
Economy: "Bo Xilai imprisoned or executed many
business owners when he was in power.
At the same time, he confiscated
the property of those people.
However, that properties did not
go to the Treasury Department.
Instead all the properties were transferred to the
Political and Law Committee, after being sold up.
In other words, only talking business cannot
protect the safety of businesspeople.
If something really happens, you will be done for."

Wang Shi commented on the
"opponent entrepreneur group".
As an affiliated group to the Party's bigwigs,
most of them only care about immediate interests
and lack independent consciousness of citizenship.
They do not possess political or moral courage to say no
against the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) tyranny.

Feng Xingyuan: "Besides making profit through
creditability and contributing to the society,
entrepreneurs should also enter into public life
and avoid attaching to public powers.
In a regime where power is highly centralized,
it is normal to see cynicism to a certain extent.
However, businesspeople should
still stand up when they have to."

In a magazine interview about China's political situation,

Wang Shi compared China to ancient Rome 2000 years ago
in "The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire".
He found many similarities between them, and with such
things as political regime, democracy and methodology,
Communist China is inferior to the Roman Empire.

Zhong Weiguang, expert in Political Science:
"The so-called dictatorship of ancient Rome in
fact refers to that inside the Roman Senate.
The Senate members elected one
person to hold all decisive power.
This is completely different from the
dictatorship of any Communist regime.
Communist dictatorship attempts to control every corner
of the society, both in people's ideology and behavior."

Accordingly, entrepreneurs are the only group in
China with enough economic power, and with actual
strength and influence to fear the authority a little bit.
Most of them still believe that under the current regime, their
civil rights of talking politics have to be fulfilled at great cost.

Chen Ting, Entrepreneur Financial Manager in Canada:
"In an ideal society, everyone can have his
voice heard, and contribute with his full strength.
However, China is very far from such a dream,
as there are so many concerns in our minds.
We do not feel free to talk, as we are afraid of
offending some person or interest group of the party.
We may be put into prison, lose our job or even
properties, just for one word from our mouth."

Wang Ying, a Chinese entrepreneur and
supporter of Wang Shi, commented.
Only talking business is simply avoiding the reality that
this society fails to make its businesspeople feel safe.
Wang Ying hopes to see more people
standing together with Wang Shi.
The more people stand with him,
the safer the whole group will be.
She believes that everyone will act both as an
entrepreneur, and a citizen in this process.
They can simultaneously play both roles
and take corresponding responsibilities.