


据海外《明慧网》8月25号报导,发明上百种酷刑迫害法轮功学员的马三家教养院,从2012年10月份起,被关押人员只出不进。男所被非法关押的人现在已经全部被释放。而目前仍被非法关押的八名女性法轮功学员,也将于八月底被全部释放。 报导说,尽管面临解散,但马三家劳教所狱警的迫害行为并没有收敛,每天还是逼迫法轮功学员在高温烈日下拔草、做手工,并威胁法轮功学员说:如果回家再炼法轮功,就直接判刑送沈阳的大北监狱。 马三家劳教所是中共迫害法轮功的重点场所,从1999年10月至2004年4月,非法关押的法轮功学员就达4千多人。 在江泽民集团的直接指挥和干预下,专门针对法轮功学员设计实施了的各种洗脑转化和酷刑方法,并向全国推广,是江泽民集团直接掌控的迫害法轮功的典型。 据报导,除马三家劳教所外,大陆各地的劳教所也都在陆续解散,令一些迫害法轮功学员的狱警感到惊惶。

薄案法庭实录 敏感内容遭删节





网路名人被抓 网友质疑





Masanjia Forced Labor Camp Faces Closure

The notorious Masanjia Forced Labor Camp in China was
exposed for using hundreds of torture methods to persecute
Falun Gong practitioners. Now it is facing closure.

On August 25, overseas Minghui website reported that

since October 2012, Masanjia hasn’t accepted new inmates
but is releasing them instead.
All male inmates who were illegally held are released.

Eight female Falun Gong practitioners will be
released before the end of August.

Minghui said that although Masanjia will be closed,
the persecution inside is still going on.
Falun Gong practitioners are still forced to pull the weeds out
under baking sun, and doing handcraft work.
Masanjia also told Falun Gong practitioners that if they still
practice Falun Gong when they are back home, they will be
sentenced directly to Dabei jail.

Masanjia is one of the places used by the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP) to severely persecute Falun Gong practitioners.
From October 1999 to April 2004, more than 4,000 Falun Gong
practitioners were illegally held inside Masanja.

Under Jiang Zemin factions’ direct orders and participation,

they specially designed and carried out brainwashing and
re-education torture methods, promoted them over the country.
This is a typical example of how Jiang’s faction
directly persecutes Falun Gong.

Sources said that apart from Masanjia, labor camps in
different cities are in the process of being removed.
The labor camp police who have participated in the persecution
of Falun Gong practitioners feel panic now.

Sensitive Content From Jinan Court Transcription Of Bo Xilai’s Trial Deleted

August 25 is the fourth day of Bo Xilai’s trial. Sources said
part of Jinan court’s official transcription on Weibo were deleted.
The published transcription didn’t reflect the true trial.

Taiwan’s China Times reported that Jinan court published the
transcription on its website which has now been edited.
The sensitive contents are deleted.

Sources said that according to China’s media report
Bo condemned Wang Lijun in court:
“The court has accused Wang of abuse of power and defection.
Particularly the defection has caused very bad affect.
Yesterday he said he didn’t defect, but it is a standard
diplomatic affair, there is paper work.”

However, on 25th, Jinan court didn’t publish this conversation.

Several Social Network Celebrities Arrested In China

Recently, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has intensified
it’s fight against free expression on the social network.
Many activists and celebrities have been arrested.

Following journalist Liu Hu and other people’s arrest for
reporting corrupt officials,
on August 25, social network celebrity Xue Manzi
was arrested on the accusation of hiring prostitutes.
That day, celebrity Zhou Lubao was also arrested in Suzhou.

Netizens questioned how the CCP can use any excuse to
arrest people.
They are speculating who will be the next one and
what are the excuses the CCP will use?