【禁闻】高校招生施美人计 溃败大展现?




大陆诗人、文化评论家叶匡政:“一些知名的教授,(有)知名度学者出来做广告,我相信比校花更有吸引力,因为人们选择大学,并不是选择恋爱的对像,大学还是知识传播和研究场所嘛。 ”









盛雪:“实际上中国现在整体的社会,是在向着一个非常溃败的方向,急速的在前进,当然也包括中国的教育界,中国全面的溃败当中,一个重要的标志是性腐败,所有人他利用手中的权力,不仅仅是占据官位,捞取好处,利益金钱,他同时要占据社会上性的资源。任何一个没有权势,没有金钱没有人际关系的女性,都可能是整个系统中的牺牲品。 ”



采访编辑/刘惠 后制/萧宇

Beautiful Female University Students Used in Marketing Reflects Corrupt Chinese Society

Recently, China’s top universities had advertised
for enrollment by using attractive students on campus.
Posters used by Zhejiang University on freshmen
day mislead the students in finding their lovers.
It has become a new fashion in China that female
university students become someone’s mistress.
The public have become thoughtless on this issue.

To study this phenomenon, scholars have pointed
out that as Chinese society becomes completely
commercialized, pursuing money is the only goal.
The elite took advantage of this,
leading them to use sex resources.
The decline in attitudes towards love, morality,
life and values reflects the society is decaying.

Chinese media reported that this year, famous universities
used beautiful girl students in their freshmen advertisement.
Renmin University of China launched freshmen
advertisement campaign with beautiful girl students.
Many female students in other universities
copied this method, to attract new students.
For example, they used the image of a beautiful
girl student hold a piece of paper with a slogan:
"I am waiting for you in Fujian Normal University".
"I am waiting for you in Huaqiao University".
"If you don’t turn up, this sister will leave".
Such advertisements are everywhere.

Sheng Xue, writer: "To use pretty girls to attract
new students, and to exhibit these girls, it shows
female dignity has been degraded in China."

Ye Kuangzheng, Chinese poet: "I believe that to advertise
well-know Professors and scholars would be more attractive.
As students want to choose a university
to study, and not to choose their partners.
The university is a place for learning
knowledge and doing research."

Liu Hualin, a teacher at the University of Shanghai
for Science and Technology commented.
The university and foreign schools jointly held exhibitions,
with seductively dressed girl students to attract customers.

Recently, in Zhejiang University, the freshmen slogan
"At least fall in love once, no matter whether you are
successful or not." was widely spread over the internet.

Liu Hualin: "Students study at school, and before entering
into the society, they are still learning their moral values.
School is the place to educate them how to behave.

They shouldn’t introduce immoral things
to them, and misleading the students."

Three generations of Liu Hualin’s family are teachers.

She told NTD that she was worried
about the educational direction in China.

Kang Yikun, an attractive campus female at Renmin
University of China, has been placed on their website.
Subsequently, another campus belle, Pan Chunchun at Beijing
Normal University, posted her photos on her Weibo microblog.
Both are competing against each other.

What is the reason this is seen in today’s China?

It is that there is no longer restraint, with beauty and talent
given by God, but regard it now as a profitable commodity.

Ye Kuangzheng said that in today’s
China, many tragedies happened.
People don’t respect the value of life, and are
driven by materialism, resulting in loss of self.

Under the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) system,
"sexual corruption" is common place in today’s China.
During Xi Jinping’s "fighting tigers" campaign, many
high-ranking officials were exposed for keeping mistresses.
Another recently example is that of official Li Guangnian,
who kept an 18-year-old girl student from an art institute.
In addition, incidents of professors raping students,
doctors sexually abusing nurses,
headmasters and teachers raping primary school girls,
have happened one after another.

Sheng Xue: "Actually, the entire Chinese
society is rapidly running into a corrupt direction.
This includes the education industry.

"Sexual corruption" is the typical
sign of collapse of the entire society.
Officials use their power, not only to occupy their official
posts, and gain interests, but also occupy sex resources.
Any female without power, without money or social
relations will likely become victims of the CCP system."

Now many new companies are established to
train beautiful students to become celebrities.
On the internet, many universities in
Shanghai posted a price list for campus belles.
From 20,000 Yuan ($3,000) to 170,000 Yuan ($28,000).

Sheng Xue said that since 1949, China’s
entire education system only served the CCP.
This includes the content and value of education.

People don’t have concept of universal values, nor human
rights, and commercialization makes values become chaotic.
A country has billions of people in their population,
but is difficult to train world class masters.