近来 中共当局对网络言论的打压,与往年只打击激进的反对派情况不同,今年在网路红人“秦火火”被拘之前,中共当局抓捕了一大批温和派的政治异见人士和人权活动人士,如﹕广州知名维权人士郭飞雄、张林、法学家许志永、独立制片人杜斌等等,一大批温和派的政治异见人士和人权活动人士。而自“秦火火”之后,受被打压的对像则开始转向网络爆料人、大V名人、博客作家,甚至媒体记者等自由派人士。
采访编辑/张天宇 后制/李月
CCP Cracks Down On Netizens, Causing More Objections
Mainland China's police have launched a new round
of suppression toward online free speech,
and has expanded it to the hundreds of millions
of China's netizens.
Many netizens have been punished for their online statements.
There are many so-called "illegal words" and "illegal names."
Commentators say that although the expanded suppression
by the authorities may temporarily silence the crowd,
it will lead to objections from the majority of the netizens
in addition to the radical, the moderate, and the liberal.
Recent internet suppression by CCP authorities is different
from its past focus on only those who radically oppose the party.
Before the arrest of Qin Huohuo, a well-known netizen,
the CCP arrested a large number of moderate
political dissidents and human rights activists, including:
renowned Guangzhou human rights activist Guo Feixiong,
well-known democracy activist Zhang Lin,
legal professional Xu Zhiyong, and journalist Du Bin.
Since the arrest of Qin Huohuo, the target of the suppression
has expanded to include online news sources,
blog writers, even reporters and other liberals.
Beijing activist Hu Jia: "Initially their main approach for
internet statements was removing the statements,
denying writers access, or having the police or
public security "invite them to tea."
Since the start of this year, they hadn't continued in this way.
They've mainly targeted organizers of citizen movements.
But after this wave, they've come back to discipline netizens.
They have started the ice age of the internet."
Some observers of sensitive political issues predicted that
the authorities' suppression will include ordinary netizens,
and will eventually turn into the second Cultural Revolution.
This prediction has become a reality.
Within just a week, nearly a thousand ordinary netizens
were arrested for online statements.
The slightest careless comments might lead to a netizen being
detained for "fabricating rumors," "spreading rumors," "slandering" and "causing trouble."
Media professional Guo Dongguang said on his microblog,
"there is always an online crime to fit you."
According an August 28 report by Chinese media,
police in Qinghe County, Hebei province found an
online post which read,"I heard there was a murder case
at Lou Zhuang. Who knows what happened?"
When it had 1,000 views, police quickly detained the female
20-year-old netizen for "Disturbing Social Safety and Order."
This has incited many netizens to protest.
Fujian Netizen Mr. Ni: "I think the police overreacted.
The netizen might just be curious, or
concerned about her friends and family.
It has nothing to do with fabricating rumors,
nor disturbing social orders.
If the police are really concerned over this,
they could simply answer her question.
Why arrest her? This is abuse of power!"
There are many more similar events.
On August 26, an accident happened in Anhui,
resulting in 10 deaths and five injuries.
Netizen Yu Heyu posted the news online saying
"16 people were killed."
She was also detained by the police for "spreading rumors."
People think the authorities follow neither the law nor reason.
Zhang Zanning, law professor at China's Southeast University:
"It is unrealistic to require an ordinary citizen's report to be
accurate without any error, but how about the official reports?
The casualty number in initial reports on mine accidents,
or train accidents also varied among state-owned media reports.
Aren't the official media reports making rumors?
Rumors and errors in reports are two entirely different things."
With the suppressing of internet freedom, more and more
netizens are dissatisfied with the Chinese authorities.
The intensity of conflict between CCP and the people
has reached a new peak.
Chinese netizen Yao Cheng: "There is no freedom of speech.
We are not allowed to speak.
They made up all these crimes such as fabrication, slander, etc.
The bottom line is that they arrest whoever they do not like.
But these arrests are not reasonable, so nobody accepts it
or is intimidated. We'll continue to say what we should."
Some netizens say scaring people with death is of little avail.
Suppressing free speech only makes more people
long for freedom and adds fuel to the flames of protest.
Chinese netizens advise the authorities not to make the people
out to be it's enemy, otherwise it's digging its own tomb.
近来 中共当局对网络言论的打压,与往年只打击激进的反对派情况不同,今年在网路红人“秦火火”被拘之前,中共当局抓捕了一大批温和派的政治异见人士和人权活动人士,如﹕广州知名维权人士郭飞雄、张林、法学家许志永、独立制片人杜斌等等,一大批温和派的政治异见人士和人权活动人士。而自“秦火火”之后,受被打压的对像则开始转向网络爆料人、大V名人、博客作家,甚至媒体记者等自由派人士。
采访编辑/张天宇 后制/李月
CCP Cracks Down On Netizens, Causing More Objections
Mainland China's police have launched a new round
of suppression toward online free speech,
and has expanded it to the hundreds of millions
of China's netizens.
Many netizens have been punished for their online statements.
There are many so-called "illegal words" and "illegal names."
Commentators say that although the expanded suppression
by the authorities may temporarily silence the crowd,
it will lead to objections from the majority of the netizens
in addition to the radical, the moderate, and the liberal.
Recent internet suppression by CCP authorities is different
from its past focus on only those who radically oppose the party.
Before the arrest of Qin Huohuo, a well-known netizen,
the CCP arrested a large number of moderate
political dissidents and human rights activists, including:
renowned Guangzhou human rights activist Guo Feixiong,
well-known democracy activist Zhang Lin,
legal professional Xu Zhiyong, and journalist Du Bin.
Since the arrest of Qin Huohuo, the target of the suppression
has expanded to include online news sources,
blog writers, even reporters and other liberals.
Beijing activist Hu Jia: "Initially their main approach for
internet statements was removing the statements,
denying writers access, or having the police or
public security "invite them to tea."
Since the start of this year, they hadn't continued in this way.
They've mainly targeted organizers of citizen movements.
But after this wave, they've come back to discipline netizens.
They have started the ice age of the internet."
Some observers of sensitive political issues predicted that
the authorities' suppression will include ordinary netizens,
and will eventually turn into the second Cultural Revolution.
This prediction has become a reality.
Within just a week, nearly a thousand ordinary netizens
were arrested for online statements.
The slightest careless comments might lead to a netizen being
detained for "fabricating rumors," "spreading rumors," "slandering" and "causing trouble."
Media professional Guo Dongguang said on his microblog,
"there is always an online crime to fit you."
According an August 28 report by Chinese media,
police in Qinghe County, Hebei province found an
online post which read,"I heard there was a murder case
at Lou Zhuang. Who knows what happened?"
When it had 1,000 views, police quickly detained the female
20-year-old netizen for "Disturbing Social Safety and Order."
This has incited many netizens to protest.
Fujian Netizen Mr. Ni: "I think the police overreacted.
The netizen might just be curious, or
concerned about her friends and family.
It has nothing to do with fabricating rumors,
nor disturbing social orders.
If the police are really concerned over this,
they could simply answer her question.
Why arrest her? This is abuse of power!"
There are many more similar events.
On August 26, an accident happened in Anhui,
resulting in 10 deaths and five injuries.
Netizen Yu Heyu posted the news online saying
"16 people were killed."
She was also detained by the police for "spreading rumors."
People think the authorities follow neither the law nor reason.
Zhang Zanning, law professor at China's Southeast University:
"It is unrealistic to require an ordinary citizen's report to be
accurate without any error, but how about the official reports?
The casualty number in initial reports on mine accidents,
or train accidents also varied among state-owned media reports.
Aren't the official media reports making rumors?
Rumors and errors in reports are two entirely different things."
With the suppressing of internet freedom, more and more
netizens are dissatisfied with the Chinese authorities.
The intensity of conflict between CCP and the people
has reached a new peak.
Chinese netizen Yao Cheng: "There is no freedom of speech.
We are not allowed to speak.
They made up all these crimes such as fabrication, slander, etc.
The bottom line is that they arrest whoever they do not like.
But these arrests are not reasonable, so nobody accepts it
or is intimidated. We'll continue to say what we should."
Some netizens say scaring people with death is of little avail.
Suppressing free speech only makes more people
long for freedom and adds fuel to the flames of protest.
Chinese netizens advise the authorities not to make the people
out to be it's enemy, otherwise it's digging its own tomb.