【禁闻】传谷俊山案将开审 涉前中央军委
















采访/常春 编辑/黄亿美 后制/钟元

Trial of Former Senior Army Officer Gu Junshan Opens Soon

Beijing sources have said that the
trial of Gu Junshan will open soon.
Gu is a former Vice Minister, in charge of army
logistics, and is accused of corruption and bribery.
There is also new wave of military "anti
corruption" campaigns that will commence.
This drive speculatively targets former army heads.

These include Xu Caihou, former Vice Chairman
of the Central Military Commission (CMC).
Media reports suggest that corruption in
the army led by the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP) is just the tip of the iceberg.
The CCP factional infighting won't stop, as
it results from seizing power and private gains.
The authorities advocate "anti
corruption & clean governance".
However, this only serves to fool ordinary Chinese people.

On September 2, Hong Kong's newspaper
reported on the upcoming trial of Gu Junshan.
The reports indicate that Gu had strong army backers,
and former CMC leaders are implicated in Gu's case.
The military investigation, which has met
resistance in the last year, is low profile.
Ming Pao states that Liu Yuan had
directly pushed for the probe.
Liu is Political Commissar of the General Logistics
Deptartment of the People's Liberation Army (PLA).
Afterwards, Liu later failed to enter the CMC.

Someone even wanted to hastily
settle the case, says the report.

Reportedly, Liu Yuan once said that the
probe of Gu has met strong resistance.
Liu alleged that this involves the
survival of the CCP and the PLA.

says that Xi Jinping, the CMC leader, has
given support to realize a thorough investigation of Gu.

Xing Tianxing, commentator: "Gu Junshan's
corruption has stunned the public so much.
The reason behind his sky-rocket promotion can be
traced to the corruption encouraged by Jiang Zemin.
Jiang, during his tenure as CMC chief, assumed his
authority by promoting corruption in the army and
promoting many curry-favored military officials.”

In February 2012, Gu Junshan was axed from
his post as Vice Chief of the PLA General Logistics.
One and a half years later, China saw the first media
report on the corruption behind Gu' smooth career path.

Recently, China's magazine reported
on Gu Junshan's earlier speedy promotion.
Gu, within eight years, had five consecutive
rank promotions, up to Lieutenant General.
The media called it "incredibly" quick.

stated that Gu Junshan, who is charged with
abuse of power, corruption, bribery, and adultery,
was quickly promoted due to a talent of pocketing money.

Xing Tianxing: "It seemingly spoke
of Gu's ability of pocketing money.
It actually hinted at how he had acquired this
money, and to whom he had passed the money to.
In other words, higher-ranking officials
have been involved in Gu's corruption."

Around the year 2000, Gu Junshan served as an
office manager of Barracks Construction Division.
In 2007, he was Barracks Construction Division Director.

In 2009, he was Deputy Minister of
the PLA General Logistics Department.
In 2003, Gu was promoted to Major General,
and became Lieutenant General in 2011.

Media indicate that the General Logistics
Department controls the army's finance, procurement, goods and materials supply.
It is deemed as the most lucrative department.

Gu, when in charge of barracks construction, controlled
the annual expenditure of dozens of Billions of yuan.

A widely circulated photo on the
internet shows Gu Junshan's house.
It occupies over 20 acres, located in downtown Beijing.

The house, consisting of three luxury
villas, is said to cost over 100 Million yuan.

Media report that in Gu's house were
found 1,000 boxes of Maotai liquor.
There was also luxury brand watches, jewelry,
paintings, and large amounts of cash and gold.

Liu Guohua, commentator: "It's not a surprise
for today's PLA officers, as it's very common.
A General can get money by abuse of power.

In China, joining the army is a way for
many people to get rid of their rural status.
So Chinese folk call them the
[Maotai Army], or [Maotai General].
Now the CCP army features wining and dining."

According to ruption drives in the army.
The action is speculated to occur around the Third
Plenary Session of the CCP 18th Central Committee.
This is scheduled to be held in November.

Former army heads, including Xu Caihou
are the main targets, according to reports.
Xu was reportedly promoted by Jiang Zemin.