【禁闻】大陆开学日 各地爆发家长抗议潮

【新唐人2013年09月04日讯】大陆开学日 各地爆发家长抗议潮














《德国之声》报导,刚从新疆回到北京的维吾尔学者伊利哈木•土赫提介绍,新疆维族区目前到处都是军警, 在他的家乡阿图甚,装甲车、全副武装的特警、维稳人员和警察随处可见。在乌鲁木齐维族人聚居的地区,则每隔数百米就有一个12个人左右组成的加强班,戒备森严的程度,有如战区。



Parents Of Primary Students Protest In Several Provinces

The school year in China resumes at the start of September.

Recently, the country has seen several outbreaks of
protests held by parents of primary school students.

Radio Free Asia reports on a protest in Lüliang city,
Shanxi Province.
Over 200 student parents protested at the school's
transfer of their children to anther school.
The protest lasted for two days.

On September 2, in Xinyi city, Guangdong province,
parents of some primary students held a protest, too.
Reportedly, just before the start of the new school year,

the school unexpectedly announced its withdrawal of
sixth-grade courses.

Guangzhou has seen a similar protest.

A netizen reveals that hundreds of parents of students
took to the streets on September 2.
They protested that local authorities had forcibly
transferred their children to another school for classes.
The new school was located two kilometers away,
and still under construction.

In Yunnan Province, several hundred villagers
at Longling county, rallied outside the town hall.
They protested at local authorities withdrawing of a primary
school and demanded a return to access of education.

Guangdong Whistleblower Netizen Detained

The Chinese Communist Party(CCP) campaign against
free speech on the internet has continued and expanded.
Reportedly, a renowned netizen in Guangdong
was recently arrested.

Msguancha.com (Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch) reports
that the netizen is now detained as a criminal.

Liang Zhigang, the real name of the netizen,
is a citizen from Foshan, Guangdong Province.
He has been known for defending rights
for vulnerable groups over the internet.

According to his wife, Ms. Li, the police took Liang away
on August 28, "needing his assistance for police inquiries".
However they detained Liang the next day as well.

From his home and office, the police have confiscated
computer hard drives and some printed data.

Ms. Li speculates that Liang's detention may be due to
his several whistle-blowing against local officials.
In June, Liang blew the whistle, via the internet,
on a local district-level official.
The official was accused of being a nude official, having an
illegitimate son, covertly involved in deals on dredging projects.

German Media Report: Xinjiang Heavily Guarded

Reportedly, a secret war was recently staged in Xinjiang
in recent months.
It was against the "terrorists" and "separatists",
who were accused by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Hundreds of people reportedly died by being shot,
killed by the sword, or were executed or assassinated.
Clashes between local Muslims and the CCP military
and police, have intensified.

Deutsche Welle cites Ilham Tohti, a Uyghur scholar,
who just returned to Beijing from Xinjiang.
He says that in Atushi, his hometown, there are armored cars,
heavily armed special police, maintaining-stability guards and local police everywhere.
At the Uighurs community in Urumqi, every a few hundred
meters was a patrol of 12 reinforced team of guards.

Ilham has remarked that by using armed forces,
the CCP intends to deter the local population.
