【禁闻】日媒:中共“中枢神经分裂” 党校对抗喉舌

【新唐人2013年09月13日讯】中共“中枢神经分裂” 党校对抗喉舌





展出酷刑器具 中国公司被驱逐

中国天津港保税区“麦威国际贸易有限公司”(Tianjin Myway),因为在英国武器展上展出酷刑用具而被逐出展览。以同样理由被赶走的还有一家法国公司。









Chinese Communist Party Openly Infighting

On Sept. 12, Japan's Sankei Shimbun reported that the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) party school openly supported a
constitutional system and online public opinions.

It shows that the CCP Central regime's office is directly
against CCP's mouthpiece media.

The article said, as scholars vowed to carry out constitutional-
based politics,the CCP leadership sensed its legitimacy is now
facing the danger of denial.

From August 5, People's Daily published articles for three days,
which criticized the constitutional system.
Yet the Party school publication Study Times' website issued
an article written by Li Yong, showing support of the constitution.
A lady professor Cai Xia in the party school gave a speech:"the
constitutional system is critical to maintain national stability".
It aroused public concerns.

Sankei Shimbun said that the party school
has trained many high-level cadres.
However, it has never happened in its history that it was directly
against the Regime's policy of criticizing constitutional system.
It indicates that the CCP's main ideology is splitting up.

China Displayed Torture Weapons Ejected From
London Exhibition

Tianjin's Free Trade Zone "Tianjin Myway", was ejected from
an arms fair in the UK, for promoting weapon of torture.
A French company was also ejected for the same reason.

These two companies displayed torture item.

These, included weighted leg cuffs, electronic batons and
handheld projectile electric shock weapons.
In British law they are defined as equipment of cruelty in
law enforcement.

Caroline Lucas, member of parliament for the Green Party said
that both firms "have been promoting illegal weapons of torture".
This allegation drew the organizer's attention.

They immediately shut down both companies stalls and
ejected their staff from exhibition.

Appeal Against China's Membership To The
UN Human Rights Council

On Sept. 10, US-based Civil Force group sent a letter appealing
against the Chinese regime becoming a member of UN Human
Rights Council again. Now their appeal letter has been re-posted
several times by major social network media.

There is a UN meeting scheduled for November 2013 voting for
member sof the new Human Rights Council.
Voice of America reported that China has signed up to the
candidate list.
Many civil groups believe that China as one of the world's
largest human rights abuse countries, is not qualified to
become a member of Human Rights Council.

In the appeal letter, the Civil Force listed victims
of human rights violations.
It also mentioned that Beijing has given no sign of apologizing
for June 4th massacres in 1989.
It points out that China human rights violations have affected
Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and other regions and countries.

Yang Jianli, founder of Civil Force said the Chinese Communist
Party violates human rights, signing different agreements.
From 2006 to 2012, China's human rights didn't improve
during its term of membership.