【禁闻】日媒:中央党校起叛乱 对抗党喉舌




















采访/陈汉 编辑/宋风 后制/王明宇

Japan Media: CCP Party School Rebels Against Party Media

Chinese Communist Party (CCP) mouthpiece media have been
criticizing the concept of constitutional government,
tracking down "Internet Rumors," suppressing public opinion
and tightening up ideological control without letup.
However, a report by Japanese media titled,
The CCP Party School's Rebellion,
says that the CCP Party School's recently voicing support
for constitutional government and online opinion suggests that
the main stem of the CCP's ideology has started to split.

On September 12, Japan's Sankei Shimbun published a column
written by well-known commentator Shi Ping.
He says it is unprecedented that CCP Party School professor
Cai Xia gave a speech titled, Only Constitutional Democracy
Can Lead China To Long-Term Stability and Peace,
which was later published by 21ccom.net, a Chinese news site.

Cai Xia said in her speech that China is in serious crisis.
The issue of social violence is getting more and more serious.
The judiciary system lacks credibility.
No one in the society has a sense of security.
Only the implementation of constitutional government
can resolve the issue.

Shi Ping says that as the training camp for senior CCP officials,
the CCP Central Party School's voice against CCP mouthpieces
Xinhua News Agency, the People's Daily, and PLA Daily,
its support to constitutional government and
its criticism of the authorities' suppression of internet speech,
signifies that the backbone of CCP's ideology is splitting.

On September 12, a reporter for BBC Chinese also found
articles supporting constitutional government
on the CCP Party School publication website Study Times.

One article titled, Inspection Rights of Constitutional System
was written by Li Yong.

Zhu Jianguo, former news director at HK based Ta Kung Pao,
says opposing constitutional government violates the law.
The CCP's "Engaging in Constitutionalism" is just it using
words as an effective slogan of the CCP to win people over.

Political commentator and columnist Zhu Jianguo:
"Since the start of it's revolutions the CCP has used
the slogan of establishing a constitutional government.

At that time, the KMT government did not have a
constitutional and democratic government.
The CCP led the fight to engage in a coalition government
based on a constitution and democracy."

Zhu Jianguo says that no previous CCP leaders
dared to publicly expresses "Anti-Constitutional" sentiments,
as they would damage their own foundation.

Commentator Hua Po says, however,
that whether the CCP supports constitutionalism or opposes it,
both are just the recipes of different factions to 'save the CCP.'

From August 5, The People's Daily published articles
criticizing constitutionalism for three days in a row,
launching the "Anti-Constitutionalism" campaign .

On September 5, Xinhua News Agency published
its president's article, promising to "Have A Clear Stand
in Carrying out Fighting on Public Opinions."

PLA Daily also published an article on the same day,
titled "To Fight with Online Opinions for Control."
Sankei Shimbun's article points out these two mouthpieces
are together declaring war with online opinions.

Moreover, since August 20, the authorities have been
carrying out actions to attack "online rumors."
Henan Province saw 131 people arrested; in Shanxi Province,
49 people were detained, 29 were punished, and 23 arrested;
and Shanxi Province saw 22 people arrested.

When 10 people died in a traffic accident in Dangshan, Anhui
Province, a netizen mistakenly posted online that 16 died.
He was then detained for five days.

Some overseas media provided data that nearly 1,000 people
have been arrested across China.

Commentator Hua Po:"Without Xi Jinping's approval,
it would not be possible for CCP's propaganda system
and its Political and Legal System to jointly engage in these
large-scale clean-up operations.
But there are still disagreements regarding
how to carry it out and to what extent it should be carried out."

Huo Po says that the rise of anti-corruption opinions online
is hated by CCP officials.
Now they have excuse an to arrest people,
making people anxious.

Zhu Jianguo: "According to Sun Yat-sen's statement:
'The trend of the world is so mighty,
those who follow it will prosper, those who oppose it perish.'
Those who are against the trend of history and
are anti-constitutional are doomed to failure. That is for sure."

On September 2, Study Times published a review article
written by Song Huichang, a CCP Party School professor.
The article used the example of King Li suppressing
the voice of the people in the Western Zhou Dynasty to
illustrate that authorities should not suppress online voices.

Song Huichang said that in any era, suppression of speech
is a huge mistake. There might be a short-term victory.
But those in power will eventually be taken down
from their throne by the people."

Sankei Shimbun says the CCP Party School's rebellion
reflects that Xi Jinping's control of the CCP fractions
is a failure and that the CCP ideology is in a mess.

Hua Po says there are intense conflicts among
various CCP factions and between the CCP and the people.
Deng Xiaoping's faction, Mao Zedong's fraction and
the liberal faction also battle over ideology,
reflecting that the CCP's crisis is deepening.

NTD Reporter Chen Han and Song Feng