【禁闻】党媒猛赞“大长今” 狠批“甄嬛” 遭轰

















采访/陈汉 编辑/王子琦 后制/李勇

CCP Media Praises Korean Drama and Criticizes Chinese

Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) mouthpiece People's Daily
has recently published articles criticizing
the TV series "Empresses in the Palace",
saying that the show promotes bad moral values.
Meanwhile, the article praised the South Korean TV series
"Jewel in the Palace" as displaying the value of perseverance.
The article aroused public strong reactions.
Let's take a look.

"Empresses in the Palace" not only became the hot TV series
of 2012 in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan,
but also spread abroad.
It's fame is comparable to the South Korean TV series
"Jewel in the Palace" which is famous in Asia.
They storylines of both TV series take place in royal courts.

"Empresses in the Palace" is set in the Qing dynasty court,
it tells a story of brutal struggles, and sends the message that
the craftier one is, the better chance one can come out on top.

It tells of how the main character, Zhen Huan,
finally succeeds in becoming Empress via cunning and deceit.
However, the show "Jewel in the Palace", tells the story about
how Jang Geum, relying on her kindness and tolerance
among crafty people in the Korean royal court,
became Korea's first and only female Royal Physician.

On September 19, People’s Daily published an article titled
"Crafty Mindedness Corrodes Society's Morality,"
criticizing "Empresses in the Palace",
as a tragedy of the current era.
It says the show "guides the audience to take Zhen Huan
as an example, and to fight wickedness with wickedness."
Meanwhile the article condemned cynicism and opportunism
as having greatly damaging social morality.

The article held "Jewel in the Palace" in high praise, saying
its message is that "only by upholding righteousness can one
finally triumph over evil," and that these are proper values.

Xing Tianxing, current affairs commentator, says that the
general population knows one should be kind and patient,
but under the CCP's rule, people dare not to do so.

Xing Tianxing: "Empresses in the Palace
is a product of Mainland China.
It's basis is the struggle ideology instilled by the CCP,
using evil means to restrain evil.
So with Chinese people under this violent dictatorship,
and having nowhere to seek justice,
the CCP wants them to learn Jang Geum's tolerance,
which in another way of asking people to accept suppression
by this villainous regime and its corrupt officials."

Xing Tianxing says that different soil grows different flowers.

The two TV shows likewise reflect two different social values.

The CCP has destroyed the traditional Chinese culture,
resulting in modern people not understanding
the principle that good is rewarded and bad is punished.

From "Jewel in the Palace" we can see that South Korean society
has still inherited the Chinese Confucian tradition, and
the essence has been promoted.

Xing Tianxing:"Thus it is good for their society,
and is harmonious with the society.
China can't produce shows like Jewel in the Palace.
As this soil has deteriorated.
Since the CCP has destroyed tradition culture,
our entire cultural soil has turned into a desert.
In the desert, the growth of such sharp cacti is inevitable."

Zhang Chengjue, former editor of Hong Kong's United
Daily News, says that the new CCP leadership took office
not long ago, and so they don't want the public to recognize
its infighting by watching these films.

Zhang Chengjue:"The CCP is very sensitive with
anything relates to politics or power struggles.
The CCP pleads its innocence too much, which shows
precisely its evil nature, and that its power is not legitimate.
Without legitimacy, the CCP feels nervous in this aspect."

Many netizens commented on the CCP's article,
saying that it is CCP officials who are good at power struggles,
and in addition, the CCP media's exaggeration of the TV series
makes it "more shameful than Zhen Huan".

Netizen "honey-as-usual" asked:
without the show "Empresses in the Palace",
will this so-called "crafty culture" disappear?

Xing Tianxing says theres nothing wrong with writing articles
encouraging people to learn from values in Jewel in the Palace,
but the public will dislike if it appears in the CCP's media.

Xing Tianxing:"It is thus that the CCP's request
is met with condemnation.
It indicates that the Chinese people are awakening,
and they don't believe what the CCP says anymore.
No matter how well the CCP speaks, if it is on CCP's media,
people will reject it, and won't accept it.
In another words, people completely refuse the CCP regime."

Some netizens cited the "Empresses in the Palace" script
to express themselves towards the People's Daily,
saying, "This lowlife is really hypocritical!"

Netizen "citizen Baichuan" wrote: "This system is more in
need of review than values are."