












中共央企高管高薪不受制约、缺乏透明,最引人讨论的莫过于“新华人寿”原总裁孙兵。根据审计报告,孙兵2009年的年薪已达 750万元。


采访/陈汉 编辑/黄亿美 后制/郭敬

What Happens to China's 6.2 Trillion in Gray Income?

Recently, a Mainland media outlet published an article
entitled The Truth About Gray Income, which indicated
that gray income in 2011 was as high as 6200 billion yuan,
equivalent to 12% of the GDP.
The author discovered that the gray income has a tendency
to further spread among medium and high income groups.
This explains that the impact of corruption is widening
in Chinese society.

Wang Xiaolu, China Reform Foundation researcher, published
his investigation report entitled The Truth About Gray Income.

Based on the 2012 survey, Wang completed his new report.
The results showed that 10% of the highest income, urban
household per capita, was about 188,000 yuan, which was
3.2 times income statistics.

The earning ratio between 10% of the highest and lowest
incomes was 20.9 times, and far exceeded the official statistics of 8.6 times.
The gap between absolute income and gray income
continues to increase.
Urban residents' income Gini Coefficient was 0.501
in 2011, with 0 being fair and 1 being the most unfair.

According to preliminary projections, residents' gray income
in 2011 was 6.2 trillion, accounting for 12% of GDP.
The gray income mostly occurred in some high-income
After analysis, Wang discovered that gray income
has a tendency to further spread, indicating the impact
of corruption is increasing in society, which poses
serious challenges.

Dr.Ye Ke, public policy, University of Southern California:
“Chinese society is quite polarized and extremely unfair.
Allocation of resources is determined by power, monopoly
and serious corruption.
The closer to the core of power, the more resources one can
get and more likely to obtain the next opportunity.
This turns into a vicious cycle; the poor become poorer,
and the rich richer.”

Improvement of income distribution cannot be resolved by
wage adjustments and personal income tax threshold.
Too large an income gap and unfair allocation come from
a system that has not resolved its fundamental issues.
Income distribution chaos is not under control,
and thus, the income gap continues to expand.

According to Wang's projections, residents' income
Gini Coefficient has entered a dangerous zone, which
creates serious challenges for China's social justice,
stability and economic development.

Ye Ke: “When the poor have no chance, they cannot survive
and their economic needs are not met.
When injustice intensifies, so will social conflicts.

If the poor have no opportunity to get an education and their
basic living cannot be guaranteed, society cannot develop.”

It is understood that China's gray income
has three unique traits.
The first is that public funding, directly or indirectly,
is turned into private spending.
The second is that funding is turned into bonuses
or subsidies, so everyone benefits.
The third is that various excuses are made to turn gray income
into justifiable income, so one can gain peace of mind.

Analysts believe that gray income expansion is linked
to massive investments from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Power without constraint leads to loss of public resources
and widespread corruption.

Jian Tianlun, US senior economic analyst: “Such gray income
commonly comes from monopolized resources, such as
the oil sector, electricity, telecommunication,
and natural gas, etc.
These are state-owned enterprises and their assets belong
to all people in China.
Now they make so much money, but how should they
distribute it?
Thus, they set up presidents and CEO's, who make decisions
on what to do with profits.”

The CCP's corporate executives have no wage limits
and lack transparency.
Sun Bin, the president of New China Life Insurance,
was most talked about.
His annual salary reached 7.5 million yuan in 2009.
Zhang Xinhua, the president of Baiyun Agricultural
and Commercial Corporation, sold state-owned land cheaply
and received huge bribes of more than 300 million yuan.