【禁闻】向16岁网民下手 党官搬石砸脚
















采访编辑/李韵 后制/陈建铭

16 Year Old Arrested for Internet Post Stirs up Anger

Anchor:Following a judicial interpretation on cyber crimes,
Yang Hui, a 16-year-old native of Gansu was arrested
for spreading rumor on the internet.

Angry internet users responded with more evidence of police
involved in bribery and a county party secretary
unlawfully promoting 78 officials.

It seems this new wave of fighting for rights has made its
comeback against party officials.

Voice:On 25th September, the party mouthpiece people.com
describes this case in Zhangjia Creek of Gansu
as a crab whose claws consequently stabbed local officials.

Local law enforcement is also criticized to have misunderstood
the top judicial interpretation of cyber crimes.

Tang Jingling, Chinese lawyer:
It is to shift the responsibility.
The top judicial systems have started the interpretation,
totally on wrong foot.
They have exceeded their powers of authority for one thing,
and violated basic human rights on another.

On 10th September , judicial interpretation of cyber crimes
came into effect.
One rule that draws much criticism is the following.
Internet posts of slandering that receive more than
5,000 views or more than 500 forwardings
can be jailed for three years.

On the 14th, Yang Hui wrote on his blog: A local man died
on the street on the 12th.
Police forcibly conducted an autopsy, arrested and beat
the victim's families.
Police arrested Yang Hui on the 17th for suspicion on the
crime of provocation.
He was claimed to have spread the rumor over the internet
because his blog was forwarded for more than 500 times.

Hu Jia, Beijing activist:They (the authorities) set up the knife, the one to censor onthe internet, and have pointed it at a 16 -year-old minor.

To the adult, it frightens them.
It brings a chill to the internet.
But their targeting a child has angered the public.

Yan Hui's arrest stirs up the internet, people responded
with a series of “secrets” of local officials.

Local Public Security Bureau director Bai Yongqiang
was first to be named.
Between 1995 and 2005, he bribed an official with 50,000 yuan.

Through internet exposure, Bai Yongqiang remained at his post,
while the official was sentenced.
People questioned why.
On the 23rd, Bai Yongqiang was dismissed.

Shortly thereafter, photos and news of local party secretary
Liu Changjiang's luxury office building in the nation's top
poverty county, Zhangjia Creek, and his promoting of
78 officers were exposed.
The authorities were then forced to conduct an
investigation on Liu Changjiang.

Hu Jia:These local officials wanted to make an impression of being
the fundamental practitioners of the judicial system.

What they had not expected is that they have actually shot
themselves in the foot.

Tang Jingling appraises the Chinese,
for they are becoming
clear minded in defending rights
in a tightly controlled society.

Tang Jingling:Legal proceedings cannot protect people in China.
People take the offensive approach by exposing officials'
crimes via the internet.

Hong Kong based Oriental Daily comments that
nine out of ten Chinese officials are corrupt.
Rarely can any official pass investigation on the internet.
The communist regime has been defeated in this battle.
It also sets a new mode of competition: Any arrest on the
charge of"spreading rumor over the internet" will lead to
search and exposure of official's secrets.

Hu Jia:A government as filthy and abusive as this is an easy target.
It is a lesson to the whole government.

In the process of offending human rights, they are doomed.

Yang Hui was detained for 7 days.
On the 24th, the officials released him under public pressure.
However, another local boy of 18-years was arrested on the
charge of creating a public disturbance for his internet post
and remains in custody.

Interview and Edit / Lee Yun Post-production /
