【禁闻】党官互抽嘴巴 中共官场玩独裁游戏﹖


9月23号至25号, 习近平在河北,要求当地官员对着中共喉舌《央视》的新闻镜头,进行批评和自我批评,河北省委书记、省长等高官,带头进行了自我检讨和互相揭发。








《九评共产党》一书中指出,中共所谓的“批评与自我批评”,是一种普遍而长期的精神控制手段。共产党在历史上多次“清党”、“整风”,抓“叛徒”,杀“AB 团”,“整党”,周期性的利用暴力恐怖来培养党员的党性,使他们永远与党保持一致。







采访编辑/李韵 后制/李月

The CCP Plays Games Having Officials Criticize Each Other?

Chinese Communist Party (CCP) General Secretary Xi Jinping
recently held a "Democratic Life Meeting" in Hebei,
requiring Hebei officials to examine themselves and
expose each other in front of the media.
Subsequently, each province has asked local officials
to learn from Hebei's practices to
"Daringly Expose Each Other's Scandals."

Commentators mock the CCP's retracing history
and picking up Maoist dictatorship once again.

From September 23 to 25, Xi Jinping told local Hebei officials
to speak on camera in front of CCP mouthpiece CCTV
to conduct criticism and self-criticism.

Hebei's provincial party secretary, governor and other
senior officials took the lead in
the self-examination and exposing each other.

On Sept. 28 to 30, Jiangxi, Heilongjiang, Chongqing and
other places also held the so-called "Democratic Life Meetings"
requiring workplaces to study Xi Jinping's important speech,
and lead in learning from Hebei provincial leaders’ practice.

The Guangdong Provincial Party Committee issued
a document requiring officials at all levels to
"truly open fire on” (criticize) themselves
and dare to reveal weaknesses when criticizing others.

Commentator Wang Beiji: "This is regressive, it's retracing
the CCP's Yan an Rectification before it took over China.
It used these means to deceive the public and itself.

Then it says it's changing with uses some pleasant words.

In fact, it uses language to play games with hidden rules.

Chinese senior legal expert Zhao Yuanming says from the start
the CCP used so-called criticism and self-criticism
as a means of attaining it's goals via political struggle.

Zhau Yuanming: "It's used for the CCP's internal struggles
when there is need to balance power,
or interests being jeopardized, or amidst faction infighting.
Criticism and self-criticism are used as weapons."

Back in the "Yan'an Rectification" campaign in 1942,
CCP's first generation leader Mao Zedong brought forward
this "criticism and self-criticism."

Along with the CCP political power struggles,
the movement completely evolved to "lawful" excuse
used against political opponents and to eliminate dissidents.

Wang Beiji: "Xi Jinping actually uses this means to see
who disobeys appointed local governors.
Once he did it in Hebei, each area follows along.

In fact, he's playing a new game on TV with hidden rules.

It is not true democracy."

Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party points out
CCP's so-called "criticism and self-criticism" is a
common and long-term practice of mental control.

In it's history, the CCP carried this out many times under the
banner of "party purge," "rectification," catching "traitors," etc.
It uses violence and terror to train party members to have
"party nature," so that they are always consistent with the party.

Wang Beiji: "It just uses this form to deceive the public,
and it does not mean it has made a real change at its core.
The CCP authoritarian system generates a new dictator,
and follows the new dictator's games for a reshuffle.
It deceives people to continue to maintain its dictatorship."

CCTV's report on Sept. 25 shows Zhou Beishun, Hebei
Provincial Party Secretary, criticizing governor Tian Xiangli as,
"anxious for quick results and eager to prove himself."

Meanwhile, Hebei Provincial Committee criticized Zhou Benshun
"Did not put poverty alleviation in a prominent position
among the county economy building campaign."

Wang Beiji: "No official said real in the criticism meeting,
such as you got your position via bribery,
you rely on that faction's bribery,
your wife relies on your money,
your child is living in a western country,
or you have complaint letters from petitioners
and we should make those public."

Nothing was real. It was all just for show with no substance."

Wang Beiji points out that these officials'
criticisms and self-criticisms were actually another form of
"praise and self-praise" or "performance and self-performance."

Wang Beijing: "To us it's very funny.
On one hand, provincial party secretaries act in front of
Xi Jinping to conduct criticisms.
On the other hand, those who criticize the CCP online and
who protest against the CCP are all arrested.
More and more have been arrested and lost their freedom."

In August, the CCP arrested thousands of people
in the name of spreading rumors online.
On Sept. 30, the Supreme Court introduced a new
judicial interpretation: the so-called "terrorist news fabricator,"
to convict those who do not even spread any news.

NTD Reporter Li Yun