【禁闻】富豪 银行大逃离 预知中国大地震?


“英国广播公司《BBC》”引述日本《产经新闻》驻北京分社长山本勋的报导说,中国经济前景存在的强烈悬念, 令腐败官员等族群加速向海外转移财产,美国和加拿大的豪宅开发,正由中国的投资者和富豪们掀起盛况。



美国南卡罗来纳大学艾肯商学院教授 谢田:“中国民众逃离中国,脱离中共国,已经不是新鲜的事情,过去半个世纪60年一直有,过去2、30年更多,有钱的人,有知识的人,有智慧的人,有能力的人,有门路的人,都在争相离开中国,实际上中国社会,不管是从政治也好,经济也好,环境也好,都是一个非常不适合人类居住的地方。”





中国问题研究专家赵远明:“政治博弈当中,严重影响到经济层面的发展。对于投资家也好,银行家也好,贪官污吏也好,他对这个政权不抱甚么希望,觉得早晚这个政权要垮,国家要分裂或动乱,那么先作先期的准备,早走好过晚走。 ”






采访编辑/刘惠 后制/君卓

Did Tycoons Flee China Predicting China's Economic Collapse?

In Recent years, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials,
have fled abroad with ill-gotten money.
Their investments have pushed real estate prices to new highs
in Hong Kong, Europe and the US.
However, not only China's capital is out flowing,
foreign business and banks are also withdrawing from China.
Japanese media said the Chinese tycoons and foreign banks
have removed their funds from china,
the phenomenon"like animals have predicted an earthquake".

BBC Chinese website cited Japan's Sankei Shimbun, that
China's economic future is uncertain, thus
corrupt officials accelerated the transferring of assets abroad.

Luxury property developments in the US and Canada are soaring
due to the Chinese investors and tycoons' investments.

Chinese official statistics show, in 2010, US$412 billion
of corrupt funds were seen outflowing from China.
In 2011, the outflows reached $600 billion.
In 2012, the outflows exceeded one trillion US dollars.
In 2013, it is estimated US$ 1.5 trillion outflowed.
This phenomenon increasingly worsened.

It takes a total of 20% of China's GDP.

2012 China International Migration Report indicated the rich,
whose personal assets exceed 10 million yuan ($1.63 million),
about 60% of them had completed an investment immigration,
or have relevant considerations.
Hurun Report in 2012 said that more than 85% of the rich
sent their children to study abroad.

Xie Tian, Professor at University of South Carolina-Aiken:
"Chinese people fleeing abroad is not news, it
has been happening for the past 60 years.

There has been even more happening in the last 2 or 3 decades.

People who are wealthy, knowledgeable, wise & capable
are eager to leave China nowadays.
Actually, in economic, political and environmental aspects,
China is not a proper place for a human being to live."

According to the US media, Chinese investors and tycoons
have expanded their popular investment locations,
ranging from New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco to Houston,
Boston and many other places.
In the last six months, 349 luxury houses were sold in Vancouver
Canada, each house worth US$19 million to UD$38.5 million.
The main bulk of these buyers are the rich Chinese.

They made Vancouver luxury house sales increase by 77%
Xie Tian speculates that these house buyers
are corrupt Chinese officials.

This year, Asia's richest man Li Ka-shing continuously sold
300 supermarkets in China and Hong Kong,
he also sold his office buildings in Shanghai and Guangzhou.

Sources say all these sales have generated HK$50 billion
(US$6.44 billion) of cash for Li.

Zhang Qingxi, Professor of Economics at National Taiwan
University:"One year ago, some economists said the economic
bubble will one day burst.

They advised Li Ka-shing to hurry up and sell, even selling
at cheap low prices is still good enough.
As China has serious financial problems,
the regime was backing it up, saying it can last longer.
However, if there is a sudden incident,
the problem will explode."

Zhao Yuanming, China affairs expert:
"The political struggle affects economic aspects.
For investors and bankers or corrupt officials,
they don't hold out any hope for the regime.
They knew the CCP power would one day collapse.

The country may collapse or experience huge unrest.
They prepared early for this, and leaving as early as possible."

Zhao Yuanming also said, current China is in a chaotic state,
poisonous foods are everywhere, serious pollution to the land
and a complete lacking in morality.

This phenomena has caused large companies to shut down,
bankers and all wealthy people have fled to other shores.

This year, European and US banks
have withdrawn from China.
US Goldman Sachs sells all its shares in Industrial
& Commercial Bank of China.
Swedish Credit Suisse and Royal Bank of Scotland
sells all its shares in Bank of China.
In September, Bank of America sells all its shares
in Construction Bank of China.

Former Minister of Finance Xiang Huaicheng said, the
Bank of America withdrew all its funds.
It indicates that four major banks in Europe and the US
have transferred more than 20 trillion yuan
(US$3.27 trillion) overseas.

This has made local regimes borrowing
fall into further difficult times.

Xie Tian: "The reason for foreign funds outflowing from
China's economic environment declining daily,
foreign investments in China didnot work, their hopes
and dreams became shattered."

Xie Tian also says that inflation is on the increase,
Chinese people's wages are also rising.
The investment costs goes up, China's wealth
is in minority hands and lacking in the middle classes.
These lead to potential weak domestic demands in China.

Compared to Europe, the US oil price and other market factors,
investors found that investment in the US and other
Western countries, costs are no longer that high.