【禁闻】大陆科研经费黑幕曝光 学者痛心




浙江大学商学研究院院长 李志文:“它根本没有甚么像样的规则,钱是很多的,但是没有人真正懂这个钱该怎么花。最后一堆烂帐报掉了上千万,我看到直心痛啊,不可思议的心痛。”





山东大学退休教授 孙文广:“我们过去也是这样的,搞一个科学讨论会,0550打着这个名义,那么这个会址呢,就取这些或者到泰安哪、庐山哪、或者到海滨啊,用很少时间开会,多数时间就吃吃喝喝,游山逛水,这种现象是相当不少的。”





采访编辑/张天宇 后制/孙宁

China's Research Funding Exposed

This year's Nobel Prize results have been gradually published.
Chinese scientists once again did not make the list.
According to China's latest officially published data,
China ‘s research funding last year exceeded
one trillion yuan (over $160 billion) for the first time.

How much of this large sum of money is
actually spent on academic research?
Why is research funding and output not proportional?
People from all professions are questioning where
research funding actually ends up.

According to China's official report titled “The 2012 National
Science and Technology Funding Statistical Bulletin”
China invested a total of nearly 1.43 trillion yuan ($234 billion)
on research funding in 2012, the third highest in the world.

Another set of survey data from China 's Scientist Association
shows that 40% of research funds are used on projects,
while large amounts of funds are spent elsewhere.

It's estimated at least 600 billion yuan ($982 million)
of research funding is wasted in one year.

Li Zhiwen, dean at Zhejiang University School of Business:
"There are no decent rules.
There is lots of money, but no one really knows
how it should be spent.
Eventually it ends up as tens of millions in bad debt.
Seeing this pains me incredibly."

It is said that China's huge amount of research funding
is controlled by a small number of non-technical officials,
causing all sorts of power-chasing phenomena.

Funding is not being allocated based on the researchers' merits,
but by relationships and networking.
Projects with good networking would pass evaluations,
even with bad design or even counterfeiters.
Projects without connects will not be accepted
no matter how good they are.
This has led to excellent research teams getting excluded,
while mediocre or even unqualified teams get big benefits.

Li Yuanhua, former associate professor at Beijng
Normal University: "It's because the funding is controlled by
certain people such as school tyrants who allocate them
for secret use or in exchange for interests.
Their goal of using research funding is not scientific research,
but rather building relationship and closing down project."

Since 2006, reports on misused research funding have shown
that the funds are mainly misused for "personal purposes”
or by officials for subsidized wages, cars,
houses, office furniture, and tourism, etc.

For example, from 2010 to 2012, the Ministry of Transport
misappropriated 186 million yuan ($30,000) to subsidize wages.
From 2008 to 2010, two universities in Guizhou Province
misappropriated 17.45 million yuan ($2.8 million)
building affordable housing.

In 2011, the Chinese Academy of Sciences
misappropriated 260,000 yuan ($42,000) for office furniture.
13 universities under the Shandong Department of Education
could not explain the whereabouts of 94 million yuan ($15,000)
in research funding reported as "other expenditures."

Sun Wenguang, a retired professor of Shandong University:
"We were also like that.
The location of a scientific forum would usually be
at tourist sites or some beaches.
Not much time was spent in meetings.
People mostly ate good food, drank alcohol
and toured around in name of the forum.”

Research funding was also used to cover
the accommodations expenses of staff members.
The black hole of research funding is shocking.

Li Zhiwen: "Anyway it is very dirty.
Those who get the funding are mostly ignorant.
Many good intellectuals went overseas for better education,
or just left out of frustration.
'Public relations' is a well-known secret.
Whoever is shameless get the most money."

Experts say that China 's unfair allocation and waste of
research funds has lead to a shortfall and even shutdown
of genuine scientific research projects.

Many talented and capable researchers are completely buried,
or follow the tide with no desire to conduct any research.

Chinese scholars say that Chinese people have the ability to
win the Nobel Prize, but true scientists
are being suffocated by the corrupt communist regime.