【禁闻】中国地标竞高 为何禁而不止


















采访编辑/刘惠 后制/陈建铭

China's High Cost Landmarks Out of Control

Recently, competition between building
landmarks has occurred throughout China.
Construction of luxurious buildings continues,
despite China's 'New Deal' advocating a frugal
government, and the existence of serious local debt.

So, what is the reason? Let's
take a look at our expert's analysis.

Recently, Mainland China has been
showing off the Puffer Fish building.
It was constructed in Yangzhong City,
Jiangsu Province, and cost 70 million yuan.
These kinds of sculpture are everywhere in China.

The Soong Qing Ling statue in Henan, costing 120 million
yuan, remains unfinished, and is planned to be torn down.

Also, Jinan municipal building has been described
as the best government building on earth.
It cost 4 billion yuan to complete,
with an area of 360,000 square meters.
It has a one kilometer long perimeter
corridor, over 40 lifts and 45,000 outlets.
It's the largest government building in China.

In addition, a government building
in Anhui resembles the White House.

Recently, majestic high buildings in different
cities have been competing with one another.
They seek to become the most prominent landmark.

The 632m high Shanghai Center Tower
has exclusive privilege in public opinion.
However, Wuhan's Green Center, originally designed
to be the second highest building was announced
to now exceed the Shanghai Center Tower.

The Shenzhen Ping An International Financial
Building was originally planned to be 588m high.
During construction, this was increased to 646m.

After hearing this news, the Changsha Yuan Da Technology
Group vowed to build the 838m high 'J220-Sky City'.
It is 50 meters higher than the
world's tallest building, Burj Dubai.

Shanghai is now planning to build a superior building.

It will accommodate 100,000 people,
at 1228 meters and 300 floors.

Gong Shengli, lead researcher, Beijing National Reference
magazine: “There is no legal institution participating in
government projects, or government-background enterprises.

Local governments frequently reaches the highest point.”

Gong Shengli points out that these image projects
boost the local markets for building materials and land.
It also increases local GDP and provides bribes
and promotion opportunities for local officials.
This is because they lack legal process
in funding, so officials can all enjoy it.

China Mobile is the world's largest company. Industrial
and Commercial Bank of China is the world's largest bank.
Within several years, the regime produced
many “international biggest” achievements.
If the whole country's capital is supporting
a few companies, why would it not be big?

However, in contrast to these luxurious and
dazzling landmarks, there are high local debts.
There is money shortages in banks, and there
are 50 million children out of school in China.

The government buildings in Europe and the
US provide interesting contrast with China.

Professor Xie Tian, Business School, University of South
Carolina Aiken: “There are public hearings in the US.
It will publicly discuss building plans. If there is
strong opposition, construction cannot take place.
Secondly, they need to tell the public where the money
comes from, in order to progress with the project.
If the project is denied by the government
council with no funding, it won't proceed.”

In the US, tax can only be levied based on the need of the
state government and the county government spending.
They may issue special bonds or tax,
by public hearing, if there is extra need.

Currently, the two parties in the U.S. can't compromise
on medical insurance, and current financial problems.

Gong Shengli: "What is currently unfolding in
the US shows the process of legal mechanisms,
legal balance, legal constraints and due trial.

Gong Shengli makes the point that it took 3 months to have
his expensesapproved for a meal with the New York governor.
This was when he was invited to
inspect and negotiate US business.
He said, no wonder it is popular news in
China about Obama buying his own lunch.
