【禁闻】余姚全市戒备 5千军人进驻

【新唐人2013年10月17日讯】余姚全市戒备 5千军人进驻




不过,外界有人质疑,中共派军队进驻余姚的目地是为了“维稳”而不是要“救灾”,因为余姚民众之前抗议说,“救灾不见特警,而为救虚假报导灾情而被围困的记者,10分钟内12辆特警车就呼啸而至。 ”








一个联合国特别报告小组的发言人塞卡娅(Margaret Sekaggya),10月16号在瑞士日内瓦表示,中共当局的行动,似乎是针对那些,试图参加10月22号联合国人权理事会审议会议的活动人士。




Nearly 5,000 Soldiers Stationed In Yuyao City

On Oct. 15, thousands of Yuyao citizens in Zhejiang Province
requested the local government to step down.
The local atmosphere is tense. Some main roads were blocked,
a massive police presence surrounded the government building.
Foreign media reported that nearly 5,000 soldiers from
Nanjing military region were sent to Yuyao to prevent unrest.
Negative news and photos about the government were deleted.
Some netizens were warned by authorities not to post news.

Radio Free Asia reported, on Oct. 16, the police are stationed
at several roads outside Yuyao government building.
There are no citizens left on the site.

On Oct. 15, Xinhua news website reported that 4,800 soldiers
from 1st Army Group of Nanjing Military Region were sent
to Yuyao City flooding areas to help restore the public order.

People questioned that military stationed in Yuyao are to
maintain "stability" not to help people in the flooding area.
Yuyao citizens held a protest earlier, they said: "During the
flooding, special police didn't come to help citizens but to help
the reporter who made fake news about the flood.

When the reporter was surrounded by angry citizens.
12 police cars came in 10 minutes."

Human Rights Lawyer Tang Jitian Illegally Detained

On the afternoon on Oct 16, human rights lawyer Tang Jitian
was detained by the Domestic Security Division of Jiguan
District, Heilongjiang. Tang lost his freedom.

Chinese Human Rights Defenders reported that Tang along
with Mr. Yang went to the 610 Office in Jixi City to negotiate.
Tang was detained in their office, later he was sent to the
Security Division of Jiguan District.
610 Office is a spy agency, was established for
the persecution of Falun Gong.

The report said that Mr. Yang's wife was illegally arrested
by the 610 Office and was sent to brainwashing center.
She has been illegally held there for a long time.

Human rights lawyer Jiang Tianyong posted news
on Sino Weibo.
Jiang urges people to be concerned for Tang Jitian's safety.

UN: China Prevents Human Rights Activists From
Participating In Human Rights Session

Before the UN Human Rights Council examined China's
human rights record, the UN human rights investigators said
that Chinese human rights activists face being arrested and
barred from travel.

On Oct. 16, Margaret Sekaggya, special rapporteur on the
situation of human rights, spoke in Geneva.
She says the Chinese regime's action seems to target
activists who tried to attend the UN meeting on Oct. 22.

The UN experts said that on the issues of Chinese activists
being threatened, arrested or barred from protest, they have
asked the Chinese regime to provide further information.

Activists Cao Shunli, Beijing and Chen Jianfang, Shanghai
planned to attend a human rights training class in the UN.
In September, Cao was arrested by police before he
boarded a flight.
Chen was stopped in Guangzhou Airport by police.