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Chen Guangcheng Asylum Requests

Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
spoke in the UK last weekend.
She talked publicly about Wang Lijun and Chen Guangcheng
seeking asylum in the US Consulate.
She is the first high-level US official to disclose details about
Wang and Chen's asylum efforts.

Voice of America reported that Clinton said
Wang Lijun was an enforcer for Bo Xilai.
He had a record of corruption and thuggishness, so didn't
fit any of the categories for the US to give him asylum.
Clinton also talked about police surrounding the
US Consulate after Wang entered.

Regarding Chen Guangcheng, Clinton disclosed some details
of negotiations with Chinese officials.
When Clinton raised the issue of Chen Guangcheng to
State Councilor Dai Bingguo, Dai's first response was:
"We never want to talk about this man again with anybody."

Yuyao Regime Censors Local News

Yuyao City, Zhejiang experienced severe flood issues,
which triggered massive protests.
After one week of protests, on Oct. 17, the city substantially
returned to normal.
The blocked roads near the city hall, where the protesters
demonstrated, were unbarred. Some police are still on patrol.

Radio Free Asia cited local residents that the regime's
online control is still tight.
People dare not to spread news openly,
some photos and videos were deleted.
The citizens who were detained, still have uncertainty
of their current situation.

An internet cartoonist, who posted news about children
starving to death in Yuyao, was detained by police on Oct. 16.
He hasn't been released.

Lawyer Tang Jitian Still Illegally Detained

On Oct. 16, Beijing activist lawyer Tang Jitian and his friend
went to the 610 Office.
They were requesting the release of his friend's wife.
Tang has since been illegally detained for 30 hours.
People began to worry about his safety.

Radio Free Asia cited Beijing human rights lawyer Jiang
Tianyong, after 24 hours the police haven't released Tang.
Tang's life is in danger.

Jiang says Beijing police detained Tang last year
using a black mask to cover his head.
During his detention, Tang contracted severe
He hasn't completely recovered, and needs to
take medicine regularly.

On Oct.16, Tang along with Mr Yang went to the
Jixi 610 Office to negotiate.
Tang was illegally detained in that place. Yang's wife was
illegally arrested by Jixi 610 Office a long time ago.

Beijing Airport Bomber Ji Zhongxing Appealed

Ji Zhongxing, disabled petitioner who bombed Beijing
airport was sentenced to six years in jail.
Ji appealed against his sentence.

Ji's defense lawyer Liu Xiaoyuan says, on Oct. 17, they put
in the appeal documents to Beijing Chaoyang District Court.

UK's BBC reported that Liu Xiaoyan is on his way to
Guangzhou Intermediate People's Court to sue Guangzhou
police bureau.

Liu requested the regime to publicize the investigation report
to see if Ji was beaten by Dongguan security guards which
caused him to become disabled.