


北京大学经济学院院长办公室:“ 经济学院没有一个像他这样的,他连续很多年连续三次有倒数第一、倒数第六、倒数第三、倒数第四,连续很多年。”














采访编辑/易如 后制/钟元

Peking University Alumni Support Xia Yeliang

Xia Yeliang, an associate professor of economics at
Peking University, has had his contract terminated
for speaking in favor of democratic values
and against one-party rule.
On Oct. 18, the school said in a statement that
Xia was the school's worst-ranked teacher.
Xia denied the school's reasons for terminating his contract.
Many Peking University Alumni are voicing support for Xia.

On Oct. 22, an NTD television reporter contacted
Peking University (PKU).
The school said Xia's teaching evaluation
has consistently been the lowest.

PKU head office: "No one at economics
school is the as same as Xia.
In past years, he's been ranked as worst three times in a row,
as well as the 6th, 3rd and 4th worst in other years."

Regarding the schools' claims, Xia Yeliang says
their reasoning is far-fetched.
The school has never made public any information
regarding it's evaluation process.

Xia: "Firstly, we've never had such a rule that being given
poor marks by students would make one the worst teacher,
or that if one consecutively has such marks
for two or three years one will be dismissed.
It is unreasonable and illegal.
Secondly, the 'many years in a row' the mentioned is unclear.
How many years indeed? Two, three years or even more?
They should be clearly listing which years."

In July, Xia posted on Twitter that PKU's chair said [Xia could
be dismissed] because someone complained he made "vicious
attacks on the CCP and socialism," and said that
"opposing constitutional government is opposing humanity".

Xia had passed his teaching performance evaluation in 2012,
and regulations don't require his contract to be voted for.
However, school leader claimed that Xia's situation is special,
and they must vote to make a decision.
On Oct. 11, 30 out of 34 committee members
voted to end Xia's contract.
Observers say this is political retaliation.

Xie Tian, a graduate of PKU, is currently a Professor
at the University of South Carolina Aiken Business School.
Xie says that it's obvious PKU handled Xia differently,
and that it is political discrimination and persecution.

Xie Tian: "For example, during evaluation, the students
scored many professors from high to low.
Have they fired every professor that gets ranked the lowest?
Have they have done so in the past decades, is it school policy?
As far as I know, I had never seen such a move."

Peking University said in it's statement that since 2006,
they have received up to 340 students complaints of
Xia's teaching style, content and working attitude.

Former PKU professor Jiao Guobiao says
that the schools rhetoric amounts to political bullying.

Jiao Guobiao: "Xia carried out his freedom of expression,
being a liberal scholar, from his own conscience,
he spoke out his opinions towards state and social affairs.

If the regime wants everyone to say a deer is horse,
they will have everyone say the deer is a horse.
If anyone points out that it is not a horse, but a deer,
the regime will have you silenced."

Voice of America reported that 136 professors at
Wellesley College signed a petition urging their school to
reconsider its partnership with PKU if Xia was fired.

William Joseph is one of the authors of the petition.
Joseph says that if Xia is dismissed for political reasons,
they would feel very disturbed, as it is such
"a fundamental violation of academic freedom".

Hu Shigen, PKU graduate, was a former professor
at China Foreign Affairs University.
Hu says Xia's words on constitutional government is consistent
with the spirit of Peking University's democratic basis.

Hu: "People who suppressed Xia are
either ignorant or shameless.
They are the real ones opposing democracy and science.

They are more considering their own interests,
claiming to maintain so-called stability.
Actually, they maintain their own power."