【禁闻】天安门撞车案 新疆军区司令丢党职













采访/常春 编辑/黄亿美 后制/孙宁

Xinjiang Military commander lost party position because of the Tiananmen crash

The CPC Xinjiang gazette Xinjiang Daily reported that
the CPC Central Committee decided to waive the membership
of Peng Yong, Xinjiang Military Commander and Xinjiang
Autonomous Region Party Standing Committee member.
Liu Wei, the political commissar of the Xinjiang Military,
will be his successor.
Outside speculation is that this might be related
to the Tiananmen crash.
On the other hand, the authorities have ordered that
the family should be closely monitored to prevent
them launching similar behavior if the family relatives
were suppressed before.
Outsiders questioned if the CCP has put the cart
before the horse.

On November 3, British Reuters reported that Liu Lei,
successor to Xinjiang Autonomous Region Party Committee
Standing Committee Peng Yong, is a veteran soldier who
served in the Xinjiang region for more than ten years.
Reuters also reported that the Xinjiang Daily website gave
no explanation for the appointment and removal.
The CCP always replaces officials after some incidents such
as the Tiananmen collision, to show someone is responsible.

Outer bound guesses the Tiananmen crash embarrassed
authorities since it took place in the heart of Chinese power –
Beijing Tiananmen.

Xinjiang Military must bear the responsibility of ineffective
anti-terrorism and Peng Yong was therefore dismissed.

It is said that the reason that the Uyghur family launched such
tragic suicide attacks was because they have direct relatives
who were killed by the authorities in the earlier violence
in Xinjiang.

Uyghur American Association Vice President Ilshat Hassan:
“The Uyghur's revolt happened in Beijing Tiananmen square,
which is the most sensitive place where strict precautions
are taken.
It shows people's determination and ability to resist.

The CPC is very afraid that the incident will be copied
Eventually, all ethnic groups will unite together
to resist struggle of dictatorship.”

Commentator Lin Zixu: “Currently there is deep
discontentment in China, some people use violence
to go against the CCP's tyranny because
there is nowhere to complain.
The CPC affixed the label of terrorists to the desperate people
who show resistance without soothing the grievances.
How would terrorists take his pregnant wife and old mother
together to engage in bombing?”

Hong Kong's Ming Pao reported that the Beijing security
department strengthened monitoring cell phone usage
of households in Xinjiang and Xinjiang after
the Tiananmen bombing.
In addition to cross-boundary tracing, Beijing security
department automatically monitors all Xinjiang cell phones
used in Beijing and stringently controls Xinjiang people
in Beijing.

Linzi Xu: “We can tell the reaction of the Chinese Communist
Party is very exaggerated after the Tiananmen Square incident.
Today's CCP has all the conditions for destruction
of the Party because distaste is everywhere, including
all businesses inside and outside of the party.

The most concerning is people's fear of the CCP is lessening.

It is no exaggeration to say any tiny event can trigger
the CCP's demise with the help of social networking.”

The Uyghur American Association Vice President Ilshat
Hassan said it is very possible that a tiny incident can spread
into a national event and trigger the final collapse
of the dictatorial regime in history.
For example, he said, the Revolution of 1911 was only
a very unsuccessful part of the Wuchang Uprising;
but it eventually turned into a national uprising to overthrow
the Manchu government.

Ilshat Hassan: “Any resistance could turn into a mass
resistance which includes the Chinese people, the Uyghurs,
Tibetans – a joint campaign to go against the dictatorship
of the CCP.
The CCP fears it most and tried to suppress and avoid
every small incident to prevent angry people joining forces.”

The World Uyghur Congress has concerns that the reason
the Chinese authorities characterized the Tiananmen Incident
as anorganized and premeditated terrorist attack is to find
a pretext for repression.

A Beijing Uyghur University professor said that he was
attacked by state security because he accepted
an interview from foreign media.

According to the reports, more than 50 people were arrested
in Xinjiang.