【禁闻】警称抓获太原爆炸案嫌犯 网路质疑

【新唐人2013年11月09日讯】警称抓获太原爆炸案嫌犯 网路质疑








另外,据《法国国际广播电台》报导,家住太原市杏花岭区的“六四天网”义工李茂林表示,他在大陆媒体报导嫌犯是丰志均之后,走遍了当地的居委会和办事处,甚至询问了公安部门的职工,都没有找到任何有 关丰志均的消息。



三中全会前 北京核心地区加强警戒







Netizens Question Chinese Regimes
Rapid Arrest of Shanxi Bomb Suspect

Recently, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
claimed that they had caught the suspects of the
Tiananmen car explosion just 10 hours after the incident.

Western media questioned this announcement.

Following Taiyuan bombing in Shanxi Province, the CCP
police quickly announced they had arrested the suspect.

On November 8, state-controlled media reported
that the suspect's name is Feng Zhijun.
Feng is said to be 41 years old and a resident
of the Xinghualing District of Taiyuan City.
He was once imprisoned for 9 years for theft.

The police claimed that the suspect set
off the bombs for "revenge on society".

The "amazing speed" with which the CCP police cracked
the case was widely questioned on the internet in China.

"The case is solved so rapidly. (What they did must be)
overnight interrogation, torturing the 'suspect' and making
him sign a confession statement prepared by the regime.

Then they can give a 'satisfying' answer to their boss."

Some netizens also questioned:
"How can the case be that simple?
Why did the suspect commit the
crime in such a high-profile manner?
Didn't they just grab some random
person to use as the scapegoat?"

Others netizens also commented, "why did
the suspect want to take revenge on society?"
"Why was he imprisoned for 9 years just for theft?"

"Wasn't the explosion a revenge attack on the
Provincial Party regime, rather than the society?
Don't make me laugh my head off."

Radio France Internationale: Is Feng Zhijun a Real Person?

RFI cited Li Maolin, a volunteer for
human rights website 64tianwang.com.
Li lives in Xinghualing District, Taiyuan, and said that
after Feng Zhijun's name was announced by Chinese
media, he visited almost all local government agencies.

He even questioned staff in the local public security
bureau, but found no information about Feng Zhijun.

Li Maolin commented that generally speaking, a person
with a criminal record should be pretty easy to track.
However, the astonishing fact is that nobody
seems to know a person named Feng Zhijun.
Therefore Li doubts whether Feng Zhijun exists.

Since the Taiyuan explosions, state-controlled media
have successively published articles to ease the public.
Chinese media were required not to make any
scary or negative remarks after the explosions.
There are also reports that the regimes
Propaganda Department has ordered all
Chinese media to downplay the incident.

Security Protection Tightens Ahead
of Upcoming Third Plenary Session

The upcoming Third Plenary Session of the 18th
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Central Committee
has been overshadowed by the recent explosions.

The CCP authorities have hence enhanced
the strength of "stability maintenance" campaign.

According to a Voice of America report on November 8,
core areas of Beijing are clearly under tightened security.
Some roads are closed. Uniformed, plainclothes police
and security assistants can be seen everywhere.
Main roads and even street alleys are watched
over by standing or patrolling military guards.
The city's ambience is clearly different from usual.

Beijing Police Start New Round of "Petitioner Catching"

Chinese Human Rights Defenders website(weiquanwang.org),
reported that since the morning of November 8, Beijing police
started to massively capture petitioners by searching hotels,
underground pathways of the south train station and streets.
Over 150 people were detained in
a black prison named "Jiujingzhuang".

An imprisoned petitioner Song Suping commented.

As long as you were confirmed to be a petitioner
in Beijing, you would be taken away by the police,
no matter where you were and what you were doing.