【禁闻】中共设国安会 众忧“克格勃”红色恐怖将临

【新唐人2013年11月13日讯】中共设国安会 大陆民众担忧




网友(@hnjhj )也在推特上表示,“中共国家安全委员会的设立,标志着中共意识到和人民的矛盾已经上升为敌我矛盾,将对内采取军事手段,以防止迫在眉睫的政变、起义和叛乱。中共情报机构将对人民布下严密的间谍网,并绕开法律和国家机构直接对怀疑对像采取行动。”






三中全会闭幕日 天安门传单满天飞






"State Security Committee" Worries The Chinese People

The Chinese state news agency Xinhua published commentary
following the closure of the Third Plenary Session of the
Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

It states the CCP will set up of a "State Security Committee".

Chinese Internet users have expressed their concerns that
this new committee will conduct domestic suppression
in the name of national security.

People suspect this committee will act like the KGB, the
Committee for State Security, employed by the former
Soviet Union.

During the Cold War, the KGB could override the state
It has become synonymous with the Red Terror both
at home and abroad.

Beijing lawyer Liu Xiaoyuan wrote on microblog, "I would
like to ask if there'll be a 'People's Security Committee'to
ensure the safety of the people."

He also wrote on Twitter, "The state is in fact safe,
it might be the people who don't feel secure."

An Internet user (@ hnjhj) also wrote on Twitter, "The set up
of the State Security Committee marks the point where the
conflict between the CCP and the people has escalated to the
standard of conflict between enemies.
Military will be involved in the domestic suppression to deal
with the upcoming coup, uprising and insurgency.
The Chinese intelligence agencies will set up a spy network and
bypass the law; state institutions can act directly on suspects."

British Media: The Third Plenum Message Comes in Big
Words And Little Deeds

Following the message released after the Third Plenum,
all interpretations have started to appearance.

According to BBC Chinese network, Steve Tsang, Director
of the China Policy Institute at the University of Nottingham,
does not believe there’s any unexpected new ideas stated.

Steve Tsang explains the so-called "comprehensive reform",
"should play a more important role in the market" which is
what Xi Jinping has talked about before.

Even the State Security Committee is not news.
It has been already revealed before.

However, Steve Tsang also indicates that the outcome
shows two points:
First, the CCP will further relax controls on the economy,
allowing more dominant market mechanism.
Second in politics, the strict control will continue to ensure
necessary restriction of the relaxed policy on the economy.

Leaflets Fly about at Tiananmen Square on the
Closing Day of The Third Plenary

During the Third Plenary Session, Chinese petitioners from
every corner of China arrived in Beijing.
They spread their complaints, banners, and shouted slogans
to protest against the corrupt Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) and to appeal their grievances.

On the closing day, November 12, at 11:00 am, 11 Shanghai
petitioners again successfully breached the security and got
to the Gate of Heavenly Peace on Tiananmen Square where
they threw thousands of leaflets around.

However, these petitioners were soon arrested by a large
number of police.
They are now detained at the police station at Tiananmen
Square Branch.

On the same day, two elderly people from Wuxi, Jiangsu,
also arrived at Tiananmen Square.
Ding Yongjin and Yang Nongdi were both wearing vests on
which was written their complaints.
They pulled out banners, and spread their leaflets.
They are now held in Beijing black jail, Majialou.

Edit/Zhou Yulin