【禁闻】公有制为主体 揭秘中共崩溃无解















采访编辑/刘惠 后制/周天

Desperate to Survive: CCP Keeps Tight Grip on Public Ownership

The CPC new promised deal's reformation made the decision at
the Third Plenary Session closing.
It has to uphold the old system of common
ownership as the mainstay.
The Latest news said that Chinese leaders Xi Jinping and Li
Keqiang had to give up the previous proposition to keep the
regime and prevent the CCP's immediate collapse.

Outsiders pointed out that dual track economic reform had
improved the economic situation and supported the
CCP's ruling for over 30 years.

But now, the old system has reached a dead end
with lame reform.

In recent months, the Chinese Premier Li Keqiang repeatedly
claimed to deepen the reforms in China and
"cut losses quickly".

On the eve of the Third Plenum, Xi Jinping also claimed to
carry out a full range reform with an unprecedented scope and
strength without "touching the stone across the river".

The "Communique" of the Third Plenary Session of the CPC
claimed that to comprehensively deepen reform,
we must hold high the great banner of socialism

with the Chinese characteristics in guidance
of Marxism-Leninism, using the
mainstay as common ownership.

Chinese economist Mao Yushi: No country with public
ownership has been successful including China.
China's success is not because of common ownership but the
introduction of private ownership.
So it's totally wrong to claim common ownership
as the reason of success.

"Voice of America" commented that the Chinese public felt
very scared and even hate the
CCP's over 30 years' reform propaganda.

The so-called public sector definition is the means of
production owned by the whole people.
And today's China, the CCP's dignitaries made the state
owned enterprises as their money spinner.
Former CCP leader Jiang Zemin's family control the Chinese
telecommunications industry, Zeng Qinghong and Zhou
Yongkangs' families control the oil and energy; Li Peng's
family control the power sector.
Things deeply hidden are Liu Yunshan's son is a famous
financial tycoon; Li Changchun's family then took partial
control of of the Cultural Fund.

On the eve of the Third Plenum, "PetroChina" and "Sinopec"
both released their third quarterly report for 2013, claiming
that the previous three seasons' net profit are 146.9 billion
yuan which means 538 million yuan net profit each day.

Chinese economist Mao Yushi told New Tang Dynasty that
state owned enterprises operated totally at a loss and felt
the pinch by paying to the state only 10% of
the profits each year.

The study report of “Beijing Tianze Economic Research
Institute" shows that from 2001 to 2009, the average net
assets of state-owned and state holding enterprises is 8.16%;

the real average net assets is -6.29% without
all of the subsidies.

"Beijing Tianze Economic Research Institute" director Sheng
Hong said to the Hong Kong Media, state-owned enterprises
is the destroyer of the free enterprise system.

For example, the Ministry of Railways is an executive branch
apparently, it can not only monopolize the business but also
obtain many government resources
through administrative powers.
Other than crazy investing, they also compiled some stories
on many projects, which required much more money than the
actual costs for these projects.

So they took the remaining money to do the so-called
third industrial investment.

China anti-corruption reporter Wang Keqin: Logically
speaking, you are all the owners of state-owned enterprises.
Since you are shareholders, do you have shareholders right
and the usufruct right?
You don't even have the right to know and
all of our rights have been representative.
That's the most horrible thing of common ownership.

China anti-corruption investigative reporter Wang Keqin talked
in his university's lectures that farmers can do nothing on
officials' demolition of their land because
of common ownership.
Common ownership also resulted in the governor or
mayor's brother in law buying state-owned enterprises' several
billions worth of property with just tens of millions.

China's oil is monopolized by "PetroChina" and "Sinopec"
two state-owned enterprises.
“Beijing Tianze Economic Research Institute” released a report
showing that the pre-tax price of the same quality refined oil
in China is 31% higher than the average price in
several major countries.

The CCP's state-owned assets were from the first economic
reforms of the CCP through the bloody way of expropriating
the local tyrants and distributing land , as well as
joint state-private ownership, etc.,
They captured the property of the landlords and capitalists as
so-called state-owned.
They expanded these state-owned enterprises with the strength
of a country by the exploitation of cheap Chinese labor.
Lastly, these properties fell into private pockets
of the CPC oligarchs.

Interview & Edit/LiuHui Post-Production/ZhouTian