









大陆网路作家 荆楚:“那个《新闻联播》它是全国统一,所有的电视台都在同一个时间大家都要转播的,那种强制性的,这种情况怎么能说全国第一呢?”




还有,有关“新闻联播剧情结构”最经典的解析,就是: 前面十分钟,国家领导人很忙,不是出国就是下乡;中间十分钟,全国人民很幸福,不是致富就是丰收;后面十分钟,其他国家都很惨,不是爆炸就是造反。



采访/李韵 编辑/张天宇 后制/孙宁

Contrasting Internet and State Media Survey on Most Popular Chinese TV Show.

Chinese state media CCTV reported on a recent survey,
which indicated that Xinwen Lianbo, a daily news
programme, was voted best programme by viewers.

Critics highlight that CCTV acts both as the player and
the referee, and so the survey lacks objectivity and reliability.
Chinese netizens ridiculed Xinwen Lianbo online.

An independent survey was ran online,
and returned exactly the opposite results.

Reporter :
The China Central Television (CCTV) 2013 TV audience
satisfactory report showed it received 4.25 points out of 5.
The daily news programme 'Xinwen Lianbo'was
voted the most popular program, followed be'Focus'.

CCTV claims the survey was drawn from a sample of
12,000. Chinese people were less convinced by the survey.
CCTV ran the survey, stood as one
of the candidates, and also refereed it.
Therefore, there was a question of
objectivity and reliability in the results.
There were also questions of whether it was indeed
ordinary Chinese people who were being surveyed.

Sun Wenguang, former professor, Shandong
University:"How did they get the results?
How was the questionnaire handled?

Who was the audience that was surveyed?

The poll should be conducted in a transparent
and fair manner to truly reflect the facts."

Sun Wenguang: "If it's not done objectively, only
those who are happy with the show or agree with
the shows content, are included in the survey.

Therefore, results would of course be satisfactory.

It is likely not to have been conducted as it would be in a
democratic country, with a fair and non-selective approach."

Netizens launched their own survey
on Xinwen Lianbo on NetEase and Sina.
The results turned out to be exactly the opposite.

The NetEase vote showed 63.2% of
those surveyed do not watch the show.
70% indicated the show was very poor.

Nearly 30,000 internet users have participated in the
survey, which exceeded the sample size given by CCTV.

Sun Wenguang:"People don't watch Xinwen Lianbo
because they know it's not news, but only propaganda."

On Sina, the question was put forward of what do you think
about Xinwen Lianbo receiving it's number one ranking?
67% of participants chose to answer that it does not
make sense, and that the audience is misrepresented.
30% indicated that they never watch the show, and
another 30% said they were forced to watch the show.

Jing Chu, Chinese internet writer: "Xinwen Lianbo is
simultaneously shown on all channels at the same time.
It's a mandate. How can it be claimed to be
the number one show of the whole nation?"

In addition to doubts raised about the nature of the
survey, internet users also shared further criticism.

One netizen expressed how they would like to live
in the world depicted by Xinwen Lianbo, where poor
children go to school, and medicine is affordable.

In this world, rent is also only 77 yuan
a month, wages increased by 11%, and
99% of college graduates are employed.

In the world of Xinwen Lianbo, there is no inflation,
the traffic is never jammed, the environment is
improved, and the criminals are punished.

When I'm old and lonely, please bury me in Xinwen Lianbo.

Another post entitled,"news plot and structure,"
stated that in the first 10 minutes, our leaders
are busy with visiting abroad or the countryside.

In the second 10 minutes, the Chinese people are
very happy, getting rich or enjoying their harvest.
In the last 10 minutes, all other countries
are miserable with uprisings and rebellions.

Another post indicated that Xinwen Lianbo
is a training program to lie wholeheartedly.
The only honesty in Xinwen Lianbo is the time.

Other internet users indicated the fact that
people have made fun of various program titles.
They changed 'Central TV'to 'Suffering TV',
from 'Focus'to 'Focus on Lying', and
from'News Network' to 'Praise Network'.