【禁闻】青岛爆炸 习近平亲赴严查 9人被捕





据官媒报导,习近平在24号前往青岛视察期间强调,对这次事故“要抓紧调查处理,依法追究相关人员责任”。随后的25号,身兼事故调查组组长的国家安监局局长杨栋梁,将事故定性为“十分严重的责任事故”。 紧接着,《北京青年报》26号发表措辞严厉的社评,声称“中石化和当地政府对事故的发生负有不可推卸的责任”,“必须从公开透明处理此次爆炸事故、严厉追究涉事企业和当地政府有关人员的领导责任开始。”







采访编辑/张天宇 后制/陈建铭

Wu'er Kaixi's Fourth Attempt to Return to China Fails

Xi Jinping Visited Qingdao to Investigate on the Explosion

Recently explosion incidents frequently happened in China,
causing all kinds of speculations.
On November 22, "Sinopec" oil pipeline exploded
in Qingdao, Shandong Province.
People have many doubts about the cause of the incident.

There was no clear explanation on what happened
before and after it occurred.
The attitude of the media also kept changing.

Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader Xi Jinping even
unprecedentedly visited the wounded in person.
The public opinion questioned the intention of Xi Jinping.

Is he trying to establish his authority or issue a warning?
Is this his prelude of a heavy blow to the "Petroleum Gang?"

According to CCP official media, up to 4p.m. on Nov 25,
Sinopec Qingdao oil pipeline explosion has caused
55 deaths, nine missing and 145 people hospitalized.

According to Qingdao City Huangdao District's official
microblogging news, police has taken under control seven
Sinopec employees that are related to the accident and two
technical staff from Qingdao Economic Development Zone.
There was no reference to the name and identity of them.

Different from past major fatal accidents, Chinese President
Xi Jinping went to the Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao
University to visit the wounded. This unprecedented act
sparked attention from the outside world.

Commentator Li Zixu: "China is an accident-prone country.
Accidents involving dozens and hundreds of deaths
happen many times every year.
The CCP top leaders rarely go the disaster sites."

Premier Wen Jiabao went to Wenchuan
after the big earthquake.
Deputy Prime Minister Zhang Dejiang was sent to
the site of the Wenzhou High-speed train accident.
It is very rare to see the president at the site of accident
to comfort the wounded.

According to CCP official media, Xi Jinping said during his
visit to Qingdao on Nov 24 to “hurry up on investigation and
resolution,” and that "Responsible personnel will be punished
according to the law."

On November 25, National Safety and Supervision Bureau
Head and explosion investigation team leader Yang Liangdong
referred this accident as "very serious accident of responsibility."

On November 26 Beijing Youth Daily published an editorial
with serious statements claiming that "Sinopec and the local
government cannot shirk their responsibility."

"We must handle the incidents with transparency and find
those responsible starting from the leaders of business and
local government."

Xi Jingping's unprecedented visit and the extreme serious
attitude of the investigator and CCP mouthpiece have triggered
a new round of media speculation.

HK's Ming Pao believes Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang's
inspection might intend to take the opportunity to establish
their authorities, and turn this event into a major blow to
the "Petroleum Gang".

U.S. columnist Gu You said on his microblog on November 24:
"“Sinopec's big explosion in Qingdao is the prelude of the big
explosion of oil politics.Dozens of lives became the worship
to the big tiger."

Although this posting was quickly removed,the view of
"Upcoming China Petroleum Political Storm" quickly
spread on the Internet.

In addition, before and after the CCP's Third Session,
many explosion incidents happened all over China.
E.g. the car explosion incident at Tiananmen Square in
Beijing, and the explosion at Shanxi Provincial Government.
Although people had many doubts, all these
came to no conclusion.

Lin Zixu pointed out that the series of bombings
happened around sensitive time or at sensitive places.
The inside of these incidents might be more complex
than what people can imagine.

Lin Zixu: "Overall, Xi Jinping's visit to Qingdao
is definitely not as simple as what it is on the surface.
Proposals on overall reform during CCP's Third Session
touched upon re-dividing interests in the areas such as
oil and telecommunications controlled by the Jiang Zemin
faction.The Jiang faction fear and hate these proposals.
Internal power struggles inevitably escalate further."

Only CCP internal officials know the background
of all these incidents.

According to Chinese media, multiple incidents occurred
after the explosion in Qingdao, such as Xingtai gas pipeline
explosion on November 24, two gas leakage accidents in
Wenzhou, with one of them injuring three people.
Netizens exclaimed: "What is going on in China?"

Interview & Edit/ZhangTianyu Post-Production/ChenJianmin