













中国维权律师梁小军在博客中写到:“从王全璋律师被拘到程海律师被打,接连发生的侵犯律师执业权利和人身权利的事绝非偶然:高智晟律师还在新疆沙雅监狱服刑﹔滕彪律师在石家庄被法警架着扔出法院﹔唐吉田律师和刘巍律师的‘ 吊照门’,被吊销律师执照﹔张凯律师和李春富律师,在重庆江津被铐于铁笼﹔李静林律师在满洲里开庭的前夜,在宾馆被抢劫﹔我在山东招远,被拒于开庭的看守所之外,被流氓推搡……。”




采访/陈汉 编辑/张天宇 后制/葛雷

The Tragic Experiences of China's Human Rights Lawyers

In Western countries, lawyers not only have stable incomes,
but also enjoy high social status.
In China, a lawyer’s social status is embarrassing.

Human rights lawyers, although popular among people, are
often challenged by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
prosecutors and legal departments.

Human rights lawyers are often insulted.
They are even injured and lose freedom.
Although the international community pays great intention
to Chinese human rights lawyers, and repeatedly condemns
the Chinese authorities, the situation of human rights lawyers
does not improve.

Being a human rights lawyer is a unique occupation in China,
caused by a large number of activists and social conflicts.
They safeguard interests of vulnerable groups,
protest against the powerful.
They are not treated as lawyers. They have a very difficult
situation of survival.

Shandong Weihai human rights lawyer Li Xiangyang:
"My cases are mostly sensitive.
For example, suing the government or strong interest groups.
Each case is subject to challenges from the authorities."

Shandong Jinan human rights lawyer Liu Weiguo: "Usually
we have some sensitive cases related to the government or
related to spiritual belief.”

Human rights lawyers said that most difficulties are from the
government, like prosecutors, judges and legal departments.

For example, in the investigation stage of criminal cases,
lawyers’ meetings with defendants should be arranged by,
not approved by, investigators. But the police often find
excuses to delay it.

Liu Weiguo: "The main conflict during the investigation stage
is with the detention center.
They may not arrange for you to meet the client.

They would say you need to make an appointment,
making it difficult for you for 48 hours."

When lawyers need to find details and evidence, investigating
authorities mostly ignore the requests, or even produce
false evidence.

Liu Weiguo: "Lawyers have an understanding of cases,
have some questions about cases or need additional evidence.
Some defendants may be not guilty. When lawyers provide
this information to the police,the police might not investigate.
They even threaten witnesses and make witnesses speak
according to what police tell them.
When lawyers look for witnesses again,
their statements have changed."

In Procuratorate, human rights lawyers are often
delayed or even refused in reviewing documents.
At court, lawyers are forced to go through "security scanning."
Actually these are not defined in the Chinese Constitution.
To lawyers, this kind of "security checking" is the biggest insult.

Many lawyers were illegally detained for refusing and
protesting against "security checking."

After going through layers of obstruction and challenges,
human rights lawyer are also prohibited from appearing in
court or interrupted by the judge at hearings.

Liu Weiguo: "Now the Public Security Bureau and
the Procuratorate use of a variety of loopholes in the law
to deliberately make things difficult for lawyers.

This practice is undoubtedly trampling the rule of law.
This is caused by lack of an independent legal system.
The police manipulate the entire trial process, Procuratorate
and the court."
Almost all human rights lawyers have received threats,
intimidation, humiliation and revenge from the public authority.
They may even be seriously attacked, their licenses revoked,
be illegally detained or sentenced, or even go missing.

Chinese human rights lawyer Liang Xiaojun wrote in a blog:
"From the detention of lawyer Wang Quanzhang to beating of
lawyer Cheng Hai, violence against human rights lawyers is
no accident:
Gao Zhisheng is still imprisoned in Xinjiang,Teng Biao was
thrown out of court by the court police in Shijiazhuang.
Tang Jitian and Liu Wei’s licenses were revoked, Zhang Kai
and Li Chunfu were locked up in an iron cage in Chongqing.
lawyer Li Jinglin was robbed in a hotel the night before
the court in Manchuria,I was refused entry to the court and
was pushed around by mobs in Shangdong.”

Li Xiangyang: "Under the totalitarian power, there is no
law in China.
The current legal system is far from resolving social conflicts."

A lawyer sighed: “A country which truly respects rule by law
also pays attention to the social status of lawyers.
The degree of law implementation can be measured by
the social status of lawyers.
Lawyers are involved directly with law enforcement, so their
understanding of law and evaluation cannot be matched.

Therefore, it is easy to understand why even lawyers no
longer believe the law in China.