

















采访编辑/秦雪 后制/钟元

Zhou Yongkang Instigates Anti-Japan Demonstrations to Deter Xi

According to overseas Chinese media reports,
as Minister of Public Security and
Party Secretary of the Central Politics and Law Commission,
Zhou Yongkang became the largest umbrella for national gangs.
Since last year, these gangsters have organized a number of
incidents to undermine the political stability of
the new leadership.

The mysterious absence of Xi Jinping for half of a month
last year and the following anti-Japanese demonstrations
across China were believed to be plotted by Zhou Yongkang.

Boxun reported on Dec. 8 that Zhou Yongkang,
former Politburo Standing Committee and
Secretary of the Central Politics and Law Commission,
had used his power in China's criminal underworld to instigate
the Sept. 18 anti-Japanese demonstrations in
over 100 cities in China.
It said Zhou's intent was to develop the anti-Japanese
protests into a movement to deter Xi's smooth succession.

As it turned out, the anti-Japanese demonstrations
went out of control, with people smashing vehicles
and committing acts of arson in many cities,
such as Xi'an, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.
In Beijing, a vehicle carrying the Japanese Ambassador
to China was also attacked.

Hong Kong-based Oriental Daily reported on Dec. 7 that in
August last year, Zhou Yongkang had attempted at least twice
to kill Xi Jinping around the Beidaihe meeting.

He arranged a time bomb in the conference room and planned
a lethal injection during Xi's medical exam at the 301 Hospital.

Xu Chongyang is an overseas Chinese businessman.
He had been protected by Hu Jintao from retaliation by Zhou.
He says he thoroughly believes Zhou's plan to assassinate Xi
does exist.

Xu Chongyang, businessman and native of Wuhan:
"The Central Discipline Inspection Commission announced
six crimes (of Bo Xilai) including the coup plan,
but (he was) indicted for only three.
Someone (in the CCP) is leaking information
(on Zhou's involvement in the crimes).
Honestly, I think Xi Jinping is in danger."

Boxun also reports that Zhou Yongkang had provided
protection to gangsters by accepting bribes, and acted like
the godfather of the criminal underworld.

Wherever he went, his network of gangsters
followed and expanded.
For instance, when he was the Party Secretary of Sichuan,
he recruited local gang leader Liu Han and
literarily became the godfather of the Sichuan mafia.

In addition, when Zhou was in charge of Liaohe Oilfield,
the main financial source for Liaoning gangs
was selling stolen oil.
Zhou allowed the gangs to steal oil and profit from it.

The report also says that in 2006, when a resident in Ningxia
refused to relocate according to the forced demolition
a gang leader surnamed Ma killed the resident by pouring
boiling oil onto his head, leading to his immediate death.
Ma received the death penalty, but when his family members
bribed Zhou Yongkang’s son, Zhou Bin, with 200 million
yuan ($33 million) Zhou personally ordered Ma's release.

Xu Chongyang says Zhou Yongkang is the ultimate
example of official collusion with bandits.

Xu Chongyang: "The cloak of the communist Party
and the so-called people's regime enabled him
to build his family and his gangs.
He established his political power with the money of
the people and the entire state.
He built his own regime and became the biggest mob boss.
In fact, his wrong deeds were still done via the government."

Xu Chongyang says Beijing security company Anyuanding
is a secret detention center for petitioners.
Zhou Yongkang is the owner.

Xu Chongyang: "I was seized by them. When I questioned
them they told me to ask their boss Zhou Yongkang and said
they were under his instruction.
They said 'just ask Fu Zhenghua (head of the Beijing Public
Security Bureau).'
It was signed off by Beijing Public Security Bureau, and
authorized by Politics and Law Commission. That's Zhou."

Xu Chongyang says that Zhou Yongkang had secretly
established a mafia organization using national resources.

Xu Chongyang: "He used national funds, the Internet, and
some non-governmental agencies to pursue his goals of
slander, false propaganda, and stalking."

It is noteworthy that after the anti-Japanese demonstrations
ended last year, Zhou Yongkang, then Politburo Standing
Committee, was absent from the Politburo meeting held
on Sept. 24th.
On Sept. 28th, when the Politburo met again and decided
to expel Bo Xilai from the party and his governmental post,
Zhou Yongkang was again absent.

It was believed that the CCP might have been aware of
Zhou Yongkang's conspiracy, and thus he was ordered to
leave the central power core last September.

With this, Zhou's coup plot has failed.

Interview & Edit/QinXue Post-Production/ZhongYuan